PICKAWAY – Pickaway county was doing well with managing its active cases outside of the prison, now the county is dealing with some community spread that has the county on a mandatory mask order.
Cases since the beginning of the month have risen from a mere 7 active cases average to now 51 active cases. The health department says there are two reasons for that.
According to Susan Foster Director of Clinical Services Pickaway County Public Health, “We have seen a rise in cases. This is not only due to the expanded testing but due to the reopening of businesses, recreation, restaurants, bars, etc. I do not have exact numbers on the age ranges, but we are seeing an uptick in cases of children (18 and under).
What we can tell the residents of the county is that it is highly recommended to wear a mask in public, to maintain social distancing, to wash or sanitize their hands, to use sneeze and cough etiquette, and to stay home when you are ill.”
As of 3:00 p.m. today, Monday, July 13, 2020 there are a total of COVID-19 62,913 cases in Ohio and 2,807 deaths. Currently there are 2,230 confirmed positive COVID-19 cases in Pickaway County, 2,013 being inmates, leaving 217 local residents who have tested positive.There are 51 active local resident cases with 2 hospitalized. There are a total of 42 deaths, 37 being inmates and 5 community deaths.
Hot spot areas are in the major cites mostly where there are more social interactions with people. Currently Pickaway County is at ALERT LEVEL 3 (RED): A county has triggered four or five of the seven indicators, and there is very high exposure and spread. There are currently 7 Ohio counites at Level 3. Risk is very high. Ohioans should limit activities as much as possible. Wear a mask when you go out.
Ages according the the health department data says that 75% of cases are between the ages of 0-59 in the county.