Pickaway County Sheriff’s Office New Fiber Optic Connection


    The Pickaway County Sheriff’s Office advances with a new fiber optic connection to the Internet. This was a major hurdle in the past due to issues with obtaining permits to get past the railroads, power lines, highways, and creeks.

    Matthew D. Parish started the project back in mid April this year. The issue started when more bandwidth was needed for current and upcoming projects such as multiple VPN connections, stream video camera data, web services, e-mail services, GPS/AVL services, and basic web access from the network.

    The current T-1 that we had in place just was not enough to handle the day-to-day needs of our office. Matt spent much time working with Time Warner and looking through blue prints of our county to determine the best path to start construction for the fiber. After the plan was laid out and the fiber was ran, expansion for cable service was ran as well with the fiber and additional conduits for future runs under the railroads.

    The objective for the cable service is to be compliant with the change over for February 2009, plus this will act as a backup data service to our primary fiber connection. The fiber optic was laid with the intent for future growth in much needed bandwidth. There are 12 fibers ran with a total of 24 gigabits worth of bandwidth for future growth with point-to-point connections from building to building or direct Internet.

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