Home News Pickaway Law Enforcement Collects More than 200 Pounds of Perscription Drugs in...

Pickaway Law Enforcement Collects More than 200 Pounds of Perscription Drugs in Hours


PICKAWAY – A cold rainy day did not stop people from dropping off old, expired and possibly dangerous prescription drugs in National Drug take back day.

Pickaway County Sheriff’s Office, in collaboration with Pickaway Addiction Action Coalition, South Bloomfield Police Department, Ashville Police Department, Ohio State Highway Patrol, Commercial Point Police Department, Circleville Police department, New Holland Police Department, Harrison Township Fire Department, Pickaway Township Fire Department, and Pic-A-Faye Fire Department, collected over 200 pounds of prescription medications from the Pickaway County area.

“We are thankful for the Pickaway County residents who came out on this cold and rainy day in order to properly dispose of their medications. By working with our residents, we are able to reduce the chance of these medications from being used by people other than to the original patient or being introduced to the water system, said Sheriff Matthew O. Hafey

If you were not able to come out today, you can always drop your medications off in the lobby of the Sheriff’s Office or the in the lobby of the Circleville Police Department throughout the year.

A video from one of the take back locations is here: https://fb.watch/55fRKOgg4X/