PICKAWAY – Pickaway Township fire department is holding a contest where kids can win up to 100 dollars.
Participants must be between the age(s) of 5-17.
Participants must go to a school district in Circleville or Pickaway Township
The poster must be created by the student utilizing commonly available school supplies
The poster must not be larger than 24in. x 24in., and can not be smaller than 11in. x 14in.
The poster must be drafted around the idea of one of the following:
Smoke Detectors, Home Escape Planning, Kitchen Fire Safety, Fire Extinguishers or ways to reduce the risk of home fires
Must be submitted by email, or in-person no later than May 23, 2022.
579 Tarlton Road Circleville OH 43113 / [email protected]
Must submit contact information such as township of residency, phone number, and name of student on a separate sheet of paper.
How the winner will be chosen
A board will be created to judge entries. The board will be composed of at least (2) Teacher, (2) Township Trustees, (2) Firefighters and (1) Law Enforcement Official. The board will choose a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place
First Place: $100 Visa Gift Card / Fire Truck Visit to home
Second Place: $35 Visa Gift Card
Third Place: $15 Visa Gift Card