PICKAWAY – Today more than 130 high school students from Circleville, Logan Elm, Teays Valley, Westfall, and Pickaway-Ross participated in Pickaway Manufacturing day. The first event of its kind in Pickaway County. Activities included facility tours of six area manufacturers, Aleris, Dupont, Kenworth, Midwest Fabricating, Ohio WilliowWood and PPG.
The event started off with a donut breakfast and drink at Heritage Hall on the Pickaway County Fairgrounds. A keynote speaker Jeff Spain from the office of workforce innovations at Columbus State Community College spoke about employment opportunities and career paths available in modern manufacturing.
Chisty Mill, Executive Director of Pickaway WORKS, says its important for student to see first-hand what modern manufacturing looks like, “We want to help our students understand that these in demand, well-paying careers are available right here in our community. Events like this help to raise that awareness, and also give our local employers the chance to showcase their business, inspire the next generation of workers and foster interest in modern manufacturing.
Pickaway Works took survey results after the event and this is the feedback they received from the attendees:
- Are you now more aware of manufacturing jobs in our community? 100%
- Are you now more likely to pursue a career in modern manufacturing? 67%
- Were the tours interesting and worthwhile? 92%
Some things you learned today that impressed you most:
- -how doing just a small job can affect the world
- -the science and precision that goes into modern manufacturing
- -you can get a good job without going to college
- -it takes a lot to make things and is very tedious
- -there are a lot of career options in Pickaway County
- -how everything works together and how important everything really is
And my personal favorite…-
- manufacturing jobs get to help people!
Pickaway Works is Pickaway Count’s college and career readiness program, a 501c3 non-profit supported by all county school districts to collaborate with business and community and build partnerships that create relevant career pathways for students. Additional financial support for Pickaway Manufacturing Day was provided by the Pickaway County Community Foundation PCN Education Fund. For More info on Pickaway Works, contact Christy Mills, highered@pickaway.org or visit www.pickawayworks.com.