Trish Bennett, Editor

CIRCLEVILLE – When Sunny 95 came looking for a local Hometown Hero, they didn’t have to look much farther than the city administration building.
John Ankrom, the city’s director of public service, was honored by the Columbus radio station and co-sponsor CME Federal Credit Union at a brief ceremony held Monday at the mayor’s office.
Andre Friederich, event coordinator at WSNY Sunny 95, said the honor is given to people who have done extraordinary things for the community but do not usually get the recognition they deserve.
Ankrom received a plaque recognizing the honor on Monday, and a commercial announcing his award will be aired throughout November on Sunny 95.
Ankrom’s achievement and a brief bio also are displayed on the website
Ankrom was surprised by Monday’s presentation, but he took the award in stride, crediting his team of co-workers for much of his success.
He was nominated for the award by Mayor Don McIlroy, who said Ankrom is a great leader who helped dig the city out from some tough times when he came into the position about four years ago. McIlroy also praised Ankrom’s expertise as a registered architect for helping to improve the infrastructure for the new Circleville City Schools campus.
This article originally appeared on The Pickaway News Journal