Trish Bennett, Editor

CIRCLEVILLE – Two students at Circleville High School are facing felony charges of inducing panic after a bomb threat Monday at the school.
The students, both 17-year-old males, will now answer to the charges in Pickaway County Juvenile Court, according to Sgt. Shawn Baer, acting chief of the Circleville Police Department.
A hearing date likely will be set in the next couple of days, Baer said.
The teens are accused of writing a bomb threat in a boys’ restroom at the school Monday morning, which prompted the evacuation of the building while members of the Circleville Police Department and Circleville Fire Department worked to search the building and clear the scene.
Students were displaced for about 45 minutes before being allowed to return to class.
Officers cleared the scene about 12:30 p.m. Monday but continued to investigate the case and filed the charges against the boys on Tuesday.
Kirk McMahon, superintendent of Circleville City Schools, said he commends Chris Thornsley, principal, Kyle Uhrig, assistant principal, and Officer Jon Farrelly, Circleville Police Department, for their swift actions in keeping all students safe during Monday’s events.
“We take threats of violence and inducing panic very seriously in the Circleville City Schools,” McMahon said. “We will follow our board-adopted Student Code of Conduct when handling student discipline issues including this most recent incident. We will also work cooperatively with the Circleville Police Department and prosecuting attorney involving our students in this matter.”
This article originally appeared on The Pickaway News Journal