
As a year-end project for Walnut Elementary School, staff and students collected monetary donations and items for the Wright-Poling Pickaway County Dog Shelter.
Through their efforts, they donated more than $150 and a number of items such as blankets, dog vests, bones, bleach, treats and toys.
The project began as a fourth grade community service project, then the entire school chose to jump on board to help.
“The involvement was overwhelming,” said Nicole Miles, fourth grade teacher. “The students and staff opened their hearts and wallets to donate items from a large list of wishes the shelter had given us.”
On Dec. 16, Maria Bennett, deputy dog warden, and volunteers from Partners for Paws gave a presentation to each grade level. They also brought along two dogs available for adoption and two dogs that belonged to the volunteers, both of which had been adopted.
The presentation informed students of how to take care of a dog, protect themselves from a dog attack and find a missing dog. They also learned about chip technology that can be implanted in their dogs to identify them if they are lost. In addition, students learned how dogs are adopted, the cost and what is involved when the dog warden comes out.
“The students really enjoyed the presentation and learned a great deal,” said Greg Kovack, principal of Walnut Elementary. “They loved visiting with the dogs, too. I am proud of all of the students and staff for their efforts to raise money and donate items to this great cause. We were thankful to have Miss Bennett and the volunteers visit our school, and it was nice for the students to see that their generosity will be put to good use.”
This article originally appeared on The Pickaway News Journal