Staff Reports
July 15:
– A caller in the 300 block of Walnut Street reported a known subject had been drinking and tossed her around the room before leaving the scene. A report was taken on domestic violence.
– Officers responded to an activated alarm at PICCA on East Ohio Street. The scene checked secure.
– A deputy advised a male subject at the rear of the Pickaway County Courthouse had been assaulted. The officer requested EMS on the scene.
– Officers responded to an activated alarm in the 1000 block of Ridge Drive. The call was canceled.
– A caller reported she lost her son’s prescription medication. A report was taken.
– A caller requested an officer stand-by in the 200 block of Logan Street for a health clean-up.
– A resident in the 100 block of York Street reported his medication and wallet had been stolen from his vehicle.
– An employee at Duke and Duchess on East Main Street requested an officer stand-by to issue a no-trespass letter to a known subject.
– A caller requested an officer stand-by in the 100 block of West Main Street while she spoke to a tenant.
– A caller in the 100 block of Pontious Lane advised a known subject was on the property making threats to fight.
– The Pickaway County Sheriff’s Office advised a brown truck was in the 200 block of Island Road with a person inside waving a white towel near the train tracks. The scene checked OK.
– A resident came to the police station to report his ex-wife would not stop texting his phone and his girlfriend’s phone.
– A caller reported a young girl arrived at her home in the 300 block of Logan Street unsupervised, and no one had come to get her. The mother arrived while the officer was on scene and took the child home.
– Officers responded to reports of an abandoned vehicle in the 400 block of South Pickaway Street.
– Officers performed a stand-by in the 300 block of East Franklin Street for a female subject to retrieve property from a residence.
– Officers responded to a property damage accident in the parking lot at the Savings Bank on North Court Street.
– Officers performed a well-being check on a subject on Bolens Avenue. The subject checked OK.
– A caller in the 800 block of Dartmouth Drive reported she burned a pan and the smoke alarm would not stop going off.
– A caller advised a black Camaro was driving all over the road on North Court Street. The scene checked OK.
– A resident in the 300 block of Logan Street reported some kids just poked a hole in her swimming pool. A report was taken on vandalism.
– A caller in the 500 block of East Union Street reported a pregnant female was in the area attempting to trade marijuana for his son’s cell phone. Officers were unable to locate the female.
– An anonymous caller advised a subject with an active warrant was in the 200 block of East Main Street. Officers were unable to locate the subject.
– A resident in the 100 block of York Street reported a bonfire in the back yard of a nearby residence. The caller then advised someone poured water on the fire, and there was no need for an officer to respond. The call was canceled.
– Officers arrested a female patron at UDF on East Main Street for disorderly conduct.
July 16:
– A caller in the 100 block of Pleasant Street reported a party next door causing excessive noise. The noise was no longer an issue upon the officer’s arrival.
– A caller reported a vehicle on South Court Street driving without headlights or tail lights. Officers were unable to locate the vehicle.
– Officers were advised to be on the lookout for a vehicle that had possibly been involved in a burglary on Tarlton Road.
– A caller reported two subjects in the area of East Ohio and South Washington streets were having a heated discussion. The scene checked OK.
– A resident in the 300 block of Long Street reported subjects walking around her residence and looking in her windows. Officers were unable to locate the subjects.
– An employee at Speedway on North Court Street reported a vehicle left the gas pump and pulled the nozzle off the pump. The officer on the scene advised the nozzle and hose were taken off the pump, but it was self-sealing and did not cause a spill. Other agencies were advised to be on the lookout for the vehicle. A report was taken on property damage.
– A resident in the 100 block of Pontious Lane reported a theft from his vehicle. A report was taken on theft and found property.
– A resident in the 400 block of Faye Avenue reported items were taken from her truck. Extra patrol was requested.
– A caller from the Fairfield County Jail advised an inmate, Jasmine Galvan, was ready to be released from the jail and was being held on a Circleville Police Department warrant. An officer was assigned to transport the female to Pickaway County.
– A resident in the 100 block of West Ohio Street reported the theft of medication.
– Officers were requested to escort a parade of 100-150 motorcycles for a children’s benefit event. At the end of the parade, an officer advised of an injury accident on Kingston Pike with a female with a severe leg laceration. The Sheriff’s Office handled the scene and medics transported the patient to the hospital.
– A resident in Apple Ridge Apartments came to the police station to report a theft. The complainant advised he would call back when he returned home.
– A caller reported a driver at UDF on East Main Street was possibly intoxicated and road-raging. Information was obtained and passed on to the Pickaway County Sheriff’s Office to be on the lookout.
– A caller in Apple Ridge Apartments requested to speak with an officer about a civil issue and theft.
– A resident in the 300 block of Weldon Avenue reported her tailgate was stolen.
– A caller advised of a fight in the 200 block of Ridgeview Drive. A report was taken.
– Officers responded to reports of found property in the 200 block of Ridgeview Drive.
– An officer responded to reports of found property in the 300 block of Logan Street. The property was determined to be trash.
– An employee at Kroger on Lancaster Pike reported they had a shoplifter in custody. A report was taken with charges, and the subject was issued a no-trespass order from the store.
– A resident in the 200 block of Logan Street reported she had an item stolen off her porch.
– A resident in the 100 block of Pontious Lane reported a known subject was outside yelling and cussing at her. A report was taken.
– A caller in the 200 block of Parklawn Drive reported someone was hitting her, but the call disconnected before more information could be obtained. No call-back number was available, and officers were unable to locate the subject.
– A caller reported three juveniles were riding their bikes and yelling at residents in the 300 block of Logan Street. A subject was transported to the hospital.
– Officers responded to reports of a suspicious vehicle in the 100 block of York Street. The scene checked OK.
– A caller in the 300 block of South Street reported a runaway juvenile.
– Officers performed a warrant arrest on Norfolk Avenue.
July 17:
– Dispatchers received three calls about a group of people in the 1200 block of South Pickaway Street preparing to fight. No report was taken.
– A caller reported a pit bull had attacked and bitten her family members and had killed another dog in the 400 block of Abernathy Avenue. Officers determined no one was bitten, and the scene was two dogs fighting with each other. The owner advised he would contact the vet.
– An officer responded to a disturbance at the ATM at PNC Bank on East Main Street. A report was taken.
– Officers responded to an intoxicated subject at the Holiday Inn Express on U.S. Route 23.
– Yvonne Brown was arrested after a caller reported his estranged wife had broken into his home in the 300 block of East Franklin Street, threatened his current girlfriend with a knife and damaged the door when she broke in.
– A resident in the 1000 block of South Pickaway Street reported a weed eater was stolen the night before. He advised it belonged to the landlord, and it was possible the landlord had the item. If not, they would call back for a theft report.
– A resident in the 200 block of West Ohio Street reported someone burned trash on her front porch the night before. No damage was reported. Extra patrol was requested.
– Officers responded as mutual aid for a gas line leak on Ringgold Northern Road.
– A resident on Detroiter Avenue reported someone struck her parked vehicle the night before.
– A resident in the 400 block of Northridge Road reported her husband is in the hospital and is being billed for medication he is not receiving. The caller was advised to contact her insurance company.
– Officers responded to an activated alarm at Health Care Logistics on Town Street. The scene checked OK.
– A caller reported a vehicle struck another vehicle at Rural King and took off. A report was taken.
– A caller reported finding a silver box with wires coming out of it at U.S. Bank on East Main Street. The scene checked OK.
– A caller from Duke and Duchess requested to speak with an officer about a theft that happened the night before.
– A caller reported a female subject was staggering into traffic on Northridge Road near Garden Parkway. Officers were unable to locate the female.
– Officers performed a well-being check in the 400 block of Lancaster Pike. The subject checked OK.
– An employee at Hardee’s advised she was receiving messages on her phone about being assaulted and coming up missing. The caller was advised to block the number and not respond.
– A resident in the 100 block of East High Street advised people had been staying with him, and he is now requesting they leave because they are not on the lease. The caller was advised it was a civil issue.
– Officers responded to an injury accident in the intersection at Pickaway and Main streets.
– A caller reported a male subject punched a female in the back of the head at South Pickaway and Walnut streets. Officers were unable to locate the subjects.
– A caller in the 1000 block of South Court Street reported she was being threatened over the phone. The caller was advised.
– Officers responded to reports of threats or harassment in the 300 block of Walnut Street. A report was taken.
– A caller in the 200 block of Parklawn Drive reported a male subject at the trailer park was trespassing. A report was taken.
– Officers responded to reports of an open door in the 500 block of Maze Court. The scene checked OK.
– A resident in the 300 block of East High Street reported someone threw something at her bedroom window, and when she checked, something had been smeared all over the window. A report was taken on criminal mischief.
This article originally appeared on The Pickaway News Journal