Home News TVEF grant supports Chromebooks at TV East

TVEF grant supports Chromebooks at TV East



Joy Hoover (left), TVEF board member, is pictured presenting the check to Aaron Woollard and student Megan Bush. (Submitted photo)

Aaron Woollard, Teays Valley East Middle School eighth grade social studies teacher, recently received a $5,601 grant from the Teays Valley Education Foundation to be used to purchase Chromebooks and a cart for the eighth grade social studies and science classes.

“I am very appreciative of this grant, as it will allow me to expand my instructional practices to include more opportunities for students to utilize technology in social studies that they never would have had been able to without it,” Woollard said. “The students are excited to complete more individualized and interest based projects that extend their learning far beyond what the normal classroom setting would allow. We are thankful to the Teays Valley Education Foundation and their contribution to our classroom.”

This article originally appeared on The Pickaway News Journal