
Walnut Creek Barn Busters
by Hannah Marion, Secretary
The April 30 meeting of the Walnut Creek Barn Busters began with Bryan leading in the American pledge and Ross leading in the 4-H pledge. Roll call was taken. All of the members and Cloverbuds were in attendance. Hannah gave the secretary’s report. Caleb moved to approve the the secretary’s report, and Kaitlyn seconded his motion. Caleb gave the treasure’s report. Hannah moved to approve the treasurer’s report, and Mackenzie seconded her motion.
Kaitlyn and Olivia gave their health and safety report. Their tip was to wash your hands in order to minimize the spread of germs.
The club donated food to the Food Pantry and donated women’s products to the Haven House. Everyone was very appreciative, and community service was a large success.
Adviser Lynn discussed Skillathon for the members. The next meeting is June 4 at 3 p.m. at a local park. The meeting was adjourned by Hannah and Mackenzie.
Audrey, Riley, Olivia, Caleb and Kaitlyn all gave their demonstrations. Cloverbuds did show and tell. Snacks and refreshments were provided by the club. Members played outside as Audrey and Riley’s recreational activity.
Scioto Scrappin’ and More 4-H Club
By Cheyenne Bowling, News Reporter
The Scioto Scrappin’ & More 4-H Club met for an educational learning experience at the Circle Area Human Society on Saturday, March 18, 2017. Members were given a tour of the facility on Island Road in Circleville. Members met many different cats that call the Humane Society home as well as eight dogs. The members learned the stories of the animals that have been rescued.
Warden Pam gave the members a tour, and Volunteer Tracy conducted a craft with the group. Warden Pam told us that the Humane Society is a non-kill shelter. The shelter is operated with donations from the community. If you would like to donate, the shelter can use cleaning supplies, litter, feed, kongs or monetary donations to continue to help their operation.
Animals are available for adoption on their website
The Scioto Scrappin’ & More 4-H Club met for its regular business meeting on Friday, March 24, 2017, at the home of Allison Remick. The meeting was called to order by president, Maria Shappert. Avalon Havan led the American Pledge, and Cheyenne Bowling led the 4-H pledge.
Avalon Havan read the Treasurer’s Report. There were several secretary reports to approve, so instead of reading them to the members, the reports were passed around for review to be approved at the end of the meeting.
Kassidy Lange presented her Health and Safety report by presenting Makayla Lange. Makayla instructed the members on how to care for cuts and scrape wounds which she learned from her First Aid project. Makayla also shared with the club how to create homemade antiseptic wash for cuts by adding three drops of tea tree oil and three drops of geranium oil to a 16-ounce bottle of water. Makayla also taught the group how to make a butterfly bandage using medical tape and a paper towel.
Ambrosia Havan reported on the Community Service Committee. Members assisted with the mother/son dance at Teays Valley West Middle School on Friday, March 10. Kassidy Lange made a motion to donate $25 to the Circle Area Humane Society, and Makayla Lange seconded the motion. Members approved the motion. It was also suggested that the club find a way to coordinate additional donations for the Humane Society.
Avalon Havan gave the Energy Report. Avalon attended the Home and Garden Show in Columbus where she received information on how to save energy by using an electronic thermostat by programming lower temperatures when you are not home. Avalon also received information on motion sensors to save energy on electricity in your home and tankless water heaters,
Makayla Lange presented the Environmental Report by presenting information on pond ecosystems.
Maria Shappert reviewed Old Business, which included reminders for the club that Pickaway County will be presenting a Project Clinic day on Saturday, April 8. Also, the Pickaway County Communication Contest will be on Thursday, April 13. Entries for the contest are due to the Extension Office on Monday, April 5.
Maria presented the idea of having a bake sale under New Business. Susan Lange, the adviser, will check dates with Tractor Supply in Circleville. Makayla made a motion to hold a project work day for members and Kassidy second the motion. The motion passed with dates to be determined. Motions were made to approve the minutes. Members voted and all of the meeting minutes were approved.
Cheyenne made a motion to adjourn the meeting, and Makayla seconded the motion. Members enjoyed pizza provided by the Remick family as they listened to demonstrations. Allison Remick gave her demonstration on owning chickens and shared her chicks with the club. Makayla Lange presented an Optical Illusion survey from her Growing with Others project. Makayla also presented journaling with scrapbooking and had each member write a journaling message to give to Anam Havan to use in the club’s Historian Book about their favorite field trip or activity so far this year.
Susan reviewed project requirements for the county fair, state fair and the county fair booth. The next meeting will be on Friday, April 7 at the Havan’s home.
The Scioto Scrappin’ and More 4-H Club met on Friday, April 7, 2017, for its regular business meeting at Teays Valley West Middle School. The meeting was called to order by President, Maria Shappert. Makayla Lange led the American Pledge, and Ehren Woodruff led the 4-H Pledge. Makayla Lange did the roll call, and each member answered by naming one way to recycle clothing. Makayla read the minutes from the March 24 meeting. Cheyenne Bowling made a motion to accept the minutes as read, and Kassidy Lange seconded the motion. The minutes were approved. There was no Treasurer’s report available for this meeting.
Kassidy Lange gave her Health and Safety Report on how to greet a dog. Makayla Lange presented her Environmental Report on recycling clothes. Ideas presented were to donate or resell clothes or to reuse or repurpose them.
Members discussed having a bake sale at Tractor Supply in Circleville on Saturday, May 13, from 10 a.m. to noon. Makayla made a motion to have the bake sale, and Ehren seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Members were encouraged to attend the Pickaway County Project Clinic on Saturday, April 8. The 4-H Communication Contest will be held on Thursday, April 13 at 6 p.m. Members were encouraged to participate.
Project work days and committee days were set for members to work on committee and projects. The dates to be added to the calendar are April 14, April 28 and June 9. Meetings will be held at Teays Valley West Middle School. April meetings will be at 6 p.m. The time for the June meeting will be determined later. The next regular meeting will be on Friday, April 21, at Cheyenne Bowling’s home.
Ehren Woodruff made a motion to adjourn the meeting, and Makayla Lange seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned and followed by a recreational game led by Ehren Woodruff called “Left and Right.” Makayla Lange did a demonstration, Does Plate Size Make a Difference? Makayla presented information on creating a home fire escape plan and making sure your home has working smoke detectors. Makyala also did a demonstration on decorating tips for cupcakes (which were also our snack).
The Scioto Scrappin’ and More 4-H Club met on Friday, April 21, 2017, for its regular business meeting at the home of Cheyenne Bowling. The meeting was called to order by President Maria Shappert. Makayla Lange led the American Pledge, and Avalon Havan led the 4-H Pledge. Makayla Lange did the roll call, each member answered by naming their biggest fear. Makayla read the minutes from the March 7 meeting. Anam Havan made a motion to accept the minutes as read, and Cheyenne Bowling seconded the motion. The minutes were approved. Avalon Havan read the Treasurer’s report. The current balance was $340.35.
Kassidy Lange gave her Health and Safety Report on how to improve physical fitness by avoiding “couch potato syndrome.” Avalon Havan presented the Energy Report by providing each member with an Energy Contract to sign. Makayla Lange presented her Environmental Report on ways to celebrate Earth Day on April 22. Members pledged to treat the earth better.
Members reviewed the Old Business, which included a reminder that the next project work day would be on Friday, April 28, at Teays Valley West Middle School. They will be holding a bake sale at Tractor Supply in Circleville on Saturday, May 13, from 10 a.m. to noon. Members will sign up for items that they will provide.
Scioto High School Class Reunion will be on Saturday, May 20. Members will meet at 6 p.m. to help serve at this event.
The Harrisburg Summer Festival is July 27-29. Members were reminded to mark their calendars to help with this event as well.
Adviser Susan McClure-Lange provided available fair information to the members. The next regular meeting will be on Friday, May 5, at Havan Family’s home. Anam Havan made a motion to adjourn the meeting, and Kassidy Lange seconded the motion.
Following the meeting, Makayla Lange did a demonstration on “Tips on Giving a Speech.”Anam Havan did a demonstration on “Making a Volcano” using yeast, dish soap and hydrogen peroxide. Avalon Havan did a demonstration on “How to Save Money” by using a budget, shopping off brand, hunting for deals and determining need versus want. Cheyenne Bowling provided the following demonstrations: “How to Show her Bourbon Red Turkeys,” “How to Show her Rouen Ducks” and “How to Tattoo her New Zealand breeding rabbits.”
Buttons and Bowls
by Emma McKibben, News Reporter
The Buttons and Bowls 4-H club had its seventh official meeting on March 6, 2017. Community Service projects were chosen by members at this meeting. The projects they decided on are planting flowers at Martha Hitler Park, having a blanket drive, collecting items for the dog shelter and collecting items for Box 65. Members should bring leashes, collars, bleach, blue dish soap, etc. to the next meeting for the dog shelter drive.
The club tour will be April 17 at the Pickaway County Library. Saturday, April 8, is a project help clinic from 9 to 10:30 a.m. at the Pickaway County Fairgrounds.
The Communications Contest is April 13, and the registration deadline is April 5, as are the Thank-You cards, T-Shirts or Infomercial Contest entries. Any member taking a livestock project is required to do a Skillathon and Quality Assurance session. The club will have materials for them closer to fair.
Cicely Esterline, the Health Leader, gave a presentation on dental health. Maria McKibben gave a demonstration on how to make guacamole.
The Buttons and Bowls 4-H club had its eighth official meeting on March 20, 2017. Members brought in items for the dog shelter for one of their community service projects. The club tour will be April 17 at the Pickaway County Library.
Saturday, April 8, is a project help clinic from 9 to 10:30 a.m. at the Pickaway County Fairgrounds. The Communications Contest is April 13, and the registration deadline is April 5, as are the Thank-You cards, T-Shirts or Infomercial Contest entries. Any member taking a livestock project is required to do a Skillathon and Quality Assurance session. The club will have materials for them closer to fair.
Booth Committee members met after the meeting to discuss ideas for the booth. Wyatt Coleman gave a demonstration on the MyPlate. Madelynne Deibert gave a demonstration on being unique and self esteem.
The next meeting for the Buttons and Bowls 4-H club will be April 3, 2017.
The Buttons and Bowls 4-H club had their 11th official meeting on May 1, 2017. The club tour was on April 17 at the Pickaway County Library. Any member taking a livestock project is required to do a Skillathon and Quality Assurance session, the club has materials for them to use at meetings.
4-H camp information was passed out to members. Sarah Polinski gave her demonstration on how to get better at art. Kaelin Lester-Trapp gave her demonstration on her rabbit and sheep. Kaden McCarthy gave his demonstration on how to prevent angry birds, and what seeds to leave out for certain birds.
The next meeting for the Buttons and Bowls 4-H club will be May 15, 2017.
Creative Clovers 4-H Club
by Naomi Kinne and Morgan Keel, News Reporters
The Creative Clovers had a meeting on Jan. 18. Carli Hutchison led the Pledge of Allegiance, and Aleah Gilliland led the 4-H pledge.
As Old Business, the club voted on the t-shirt designs made by members. For New Business the Creative Clovers had every member sign the Club Constitution. We also discussed which projects members were signing up for. The members planned club programming for the remainder of the year.
The club was motioned for adjournment by Sophia Kinne and was seconded by Carli Hutchison. For the club program, Melissa Henwood talked about her experience as a 4-Her and shared about her job as a Pilot Dog trainer and how she trains dogs that help blind people. Sierra Burriss, the Recreational Leader, led a team-building game.
The Creative Clovers had a meeting on Feb. 15. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Morgan Keel, and the 4-H pledge was led by Sophia Kinne.
As Old Business the club voted on and finalized shirt designs from the Red Barn. The Community Service Officers Carli Hutchison and Morgan announced to the club that for the community service meeting, the club would make cookies and thank-you cards for local firefighters and police.
The new business project books were passed out. Then the meeting was motion for adjournment by Sophia Kinne and was seconded by Aleah Gilliland. For the club program Naomi Kinne did a demonstration on “How to Use Accessories to Change an Outfit,” and Carli did a demonstration on “The Effects of Alcohol” and used goggles for members to try. Sierra Burriss, the Recreational Leader, also led a memory game that the Creative Clovers enjoyed.
The Creative Clovers had a meeting on March 15. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Madison Burriss. The 4-H Pledge was led by Katie Reynard.
For Old Business, the members selected their t-shirt sizes and Community Service Leaders, Morgan Keel and Carli Hutchison, explained to the club the final plans for the community service meeting.
As New Business the members shared what they have done in their project books and adviser Angie Kinne talked about the Parliamentary Procedure. Sierra Burriss motioned for adjournment, and Aleah Gilland seconded the motion. Then, for the program, Madison Burriss did a demonstration on How to Make Homemade Horse Treats. Leagha McManes did a demonstration on How to Sew a Patch. Members played a Jeopardy Game on The Parliamentary Procedure. Then the Safety Officer, Katie Reynard, introduced the guest speaker who talked about Fair Safety.
The Creative Clovers had their Community Service meeting on March 28. The members met at the adviser Angie Kinne’s house to make thank-you cards for firefighters and policemen. Members also made goody bags of cookies for people in Brown Memorial Nursing Home.
First, they went to the Circleville Fire Department, where the members gave them some homemade cookies and thank-you cards. While they were there, the fireman gave them a tour of one of the fire trucks, and when the members were there the firefighters had to leave for an emergency.
Next, the members went to Brown Memorial Nursing Home and handed out goody bags with cookies in it to the residents. They also gave scarves to the ladies in the nursing home. After that, they went to Circleville Police Department and gave the police cookies and thank-you cards.
Then the members went to McDonalds for lunch. Finally, to end the meeting, the members went back to Angie Kinne’s house to play for a little bit.
This article originally appeared on The Pickaway News Journal