Home News Police are Searching for Person who Started a Fire with a American...

Police are Searching for Person who Started a Fire with a American Flag


McArthur – Police are searching for the people responsible for damage done to the downtown area of McArthur on Saturday Morning.

At approximately 0145 hours Saturday morning Officers and Deputies observed a small fire in the grass at the corner of North Market and High across from the library. That grass fire was fueled by a flag that was removed from its holder that stood along North Market Street in the town. Officer Wolfe reported that only one flag had been set on fire, but several other flags had been removed and tossed on the ground between Buds one stop and Subway.

Police are now searching for the individuals as charges of arson, damaging public property, and other minor charges could apply.

Anyone with information about this incident please contact Officer Wolfe at 740-596-2980.

If you wish to remain anonymous you may leave a voicemail at our Office or send a private message to our Facebook page.