BUCKEYE LAKE – A popular lake side place at Buckeye Lake has decided to close it doors for at least the season because of unexpected times and care of their employees.
“Due to the uncertainty in the length of time of our closure, it is with deep sadness we close Papa Boos for the season. This decision did not come lightly, however it’s a necessity for the status of the company and the financial burden our employees face,” said Papa Boos
The Live music venue and food restaurant said that it take a large amount of people to operate the venue and they do not want to freeze peoples jons for a unknown amount of time. But they did find new employment for them while they are closed.
“Cristy’s Pizza, as a company, has put on an external hiring freeze to bring on any Papa Boos employees needing a job.”
Boo’s said that after the ban is lifted it will take a lot fo time to regroup and retrain workforce, plus with the unknowns of bringing in talent to entertain this is too difficult of a task for the mid-season.
“We apologize for the inconvenience this will cause in your summer fun. Our priority must be on the safety and security of our working family. We survived and came back stronger during the dam project and we’ll do the same with this.”