SOUTHERN OHIO – A early report from the National weather says there were at least two tornados that touched down in Ross and one in Pickaway County.

National weather said, “ “there is high confidence in multiple tornado touchdowns in the area” from this morning’s storms. Surveys to occur later today.“

Now National Weather has confirmed two tornado touchdown areas in Ross County were in the area of South Salem Ohio and Frankfort. The weather service is not sure if the two storms were separate tornadoes or together.

Emergency services have reported house damage, trees, and power lines down throughout the area.

Pickaway county early reports say that 159 and Tarlton road may have had a tornado this morning also. Morning reports that a home lost a roof, power lines, and trees down in the area. That has now been confirmed Tornado west-northwest of Kingston in Pickaway County, Ohio.
According to the report, the Tornado did touch down approximately 2 to 3 miles west-northwest of Kingston

South Central Power is reporting that over a thousand people are without power in that area overnight.

National weather has yet to determine the strength and rating of the two tornados and will release that report later this evening.