Gary Brock
UPDATE – Good Samaritan Attempted to Fight House Fire with Hose...
Darbydale - Wednesday evening the Pickaway County Sheriff's Department received a call of a structure fire in the 16700 block on Main...
Update: Woman in Stolen Damaged Smoking Car Leaves Scene of Crash...
PICKAWAY - A single-vehicle crash occured on Saturday and witnesses watched the driver leave the scene with a smoking damaged car. Several...
Update – Two Car Crash in Pickaway, Grove City Juvenile Injured
Pickaway -A two-vehicle crash occured in the area of Mattville road and 762 in Pickaway County around 2 pm.
Update: Man Tries to Escape Police by Running Box Truck into...
Commercial Point - Two people have been arrested after attempting to run from Commerical Point Police in a large moving box truck...
Breaking: Head on Collision on SR22 in Pickaway County
Pickaway -22 was closed in both directions close to Mill Rd just West of Circleville around 5:40p due to a head-on crash....
Update: Garage Fire Extinguished by Scioto Township
Orient - A home fire was put out before major damage to the home was done.
According to...
UPDATE: South Bloomfield US-23 Pile-Up Crash Totals Four Vehicles.
PICKAWAY - Muliple cars were involved in a semi-crash in the area of US-23 and 752 around 2 pm on Monday
Local Man Chases Down Hit Skip Suspect in Commerical Point
Commercial Point - Overnight a local helped find a suspect that plowed into private property and then took off.
Update: Water Rescue Launched for Woman in Big Darby
PICKAWAY - Several fire departments are heading to a water rescue around 9:30 pm in Pickaway County on Sunday.
Commercial Point Homeowners Suffer Storm Damage to Home
Commercial Point -A couple in Northern Pickaway County suffered some serious storm damage overnight.