Home Authors Posts by Jeremy Newman

Jeremy Newman

Circleville resident for 5 years, born and raised in Maine. love buckeyes and Ohio

Ross County Health District Participating in The American Cancer Society’s Great...

Chillicothe, OH – According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable disease, disability,...

Three People Flown to Critical Care Hosptial After Serious Crash in...

Athens – Troopers from the Athens Post of The Ohio State Highway Patrol are investigating a two vehicle...

Today is the 55th Anniversary of the Mothman Sighting

Point Pleasant - A West Virginia folklore the Mothman, started 55 years from today.

Missing Woman May be In Chillicothe, Have You Seen Her?

CHILLICOTHE - A missing woman may have traveled to Chillicothe Ohio and police are now asking if you...

November 6 Was the Best Day for Ohio Bowhunters

COLUMBUS, Ohio – Ohio bowhunters checked 4,795 white-tailed deer on Saturday, Nov. 6, the highpoint for the Buckeye State’s...

FREE EVENT: Tuba Christmas to Perform this Weekend in Circleville

CIRCLEVILLE - Tuba Christmas will be performing for free this weekend in Circleville. Tuba...

NFL Betting: Crucial Tips On How to Successfully Beat the Spread

Anyone who tells you that sports betting is all about luck is almost certainly someone who enjoys casino action and mistakenly conflates...

Ohio AG Goes After Facebook in Lawsuit Alleging Fraud and Misleading...

(COLUMBUS, Ohio) — Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost has filed a lawsuit against the social-media giant Facebook for...

Chillicothe Light the Park Event Welcomes Santa

CHILLICOTHE - This week Chillicothe will start its holiday festivities with a holiday open house and light the...

Ross, Fairfield, Fayette, Hocking, and Other Southern Ohio Counties Will Recieve...

COLUMBUS, Ohio – The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) has approved more than $5.2 million through the NatureWorks grant program...

For the Love of Money, Columbus Based Romance Scam Filtered Millions...

COLUMBUS, OH — Alexis Wellington, of Columbus, Ohio, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit money laundering. On July 8, 2021,...

Look Up! Sandhill Cranes Migrating South Next Few Weeks

CIRCLEVILLE – Have you seen V’s of birds lately in the sky over Pickaway County? Those may not be Canadian Geese but...

5 NCAAB Players Who Will Dominate The League This Season

The men’s basketball season is quickly returning to our screen and with it there are some fresh...

Company Smuggled Undocumented Workers to Ohio Forfeits 6 Million to Government

DAYTON, Ohio – A steel carport business headquartered in Muncie, Indiana, is forfeiting $6 million for knowingly employing...

Home Explodes in Columbus, Firefighters Investigating Cause

COLUMBUS - Columbus Division of Fire was called to the South End of Columbus when a home exploded...

National Gas Up 15.1 Cents From a Month Ago

US - Gas prices continue to climb rising another 1.8 cents across the county according to Gasbuddy.com

Randy Burris, 49 of Williamsport

Randy   Burris  49 of Williamsport passed away Friday, November 12, 2021 at Riverside Hospital, Columbus.  He was born...

Donna Lutz, 78, of Circleville

Donna Lutz, 78, of Circleville passed away on November 8, 2021.  She was born on October 2, 1943...

Record High September for Quitting Your Job in the US

US - More people are quitting their jobs and moving on according to the Department of Labor.

Despite Cold, Weather Authorities Warn of Warming Up Cars Unattended

CIRCLEVILLE – Police warn of warming up your cars in the morning despite cold weather.  Police say thieves...

COLD CASE:After 52 Years Ohio Notorious Bank Robbery Solved

CLEVELAND OHIO - US Marshals have reported that a bank robbery of 215,000 dollars in 1969 equal to...

UPDATE: Water Rescue Launched for Two Children in Ross County Waters

ROSS - Emergency water rescue was called to Paint creek for a water rescue

Bainbridge EMS Personnel Assaulted by Man Drunk in Road

ROSS - A man who was experiencing medical issues was arrested after assaulting someone who came to help...

Breaking: Possible Structure Fire in Circleville

Circleville - A possible structure fire has been reported in the city. According to...

23 Arrests for Human Trafficking in Fairfield Some Southern Ohio...

FAIRFIELD - Fairfield county sheriff arrested 23 men in a multi-location operation aimed at reducing the demand for prostitution and human trafficking...
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