Home Authors Posts by Jeremy Newman

Jeremy Newman

Circleville resident for 5 years, born and raised in Maine. love buckeyes and Ohio

Circleville Call Reports for 9-12

CIRCLEVILLE - Call reports for Circleville Police department filtered on significance. Domestic Trouble -Dispatcher Comments: REQUESTING TO SPEAK WITH AN OFFICER REFERENCE AN ISSUE HE...

Circleville Tigers Justin Hill and the “It Factor”

Circleville Tiger alum #Tiger Pride by Brad Keaton CIRCLEVILLE - When a coach or analyst talks about a special athlete you tend to hear a...

Vickie Cockerham, 60, of Circleville

Vickie Cockerham, 60, of Circleville passed away September 10, 2019 at Berger Ohio Health Hospital. She was born on February 18, 1959 in...

City Councilman Caleb Johnson Announces 2020 Campaign for Ohio House of...

WASHINGTON COURT HOUSE—City Councilman Caleb Johnson announced his candidacy for the Ohio House of Representatives this Thursday on the steps of the Fayette County...

Pickaway Sheriff Says Phones are Back On

PICKAWAY - After almost 20 hours of Frontier phone lines being down Pickaway County sheriff is claiming that they are back up and operational. Many...

Pickaway Overall School Reports

PICKAWAY - School report cards are available today. Click your school district to take you to more information about your school. WESTFALL Local Schools C...

Baby Copperhead Season in Ohio is September

OHIO - The start of football season is prime season for baby Copperheads that are leaving the nest and finding new homes of their...

Dump Truck Accident Still Blocking Road in Ashville

ASHVILLE - A dump truck flipped on its side around 1 pm today at the 4300 block St Paul road. According to police the...

TV Educational Foundation sponsors D.A.R.E. Program at Teays Valley

PICKAWAY -The Teays Valley Educational Foundation has once again sponsored the D.A.R.E. program for all Teays Valley elementary schools. The Foundation recently presented a...

NEW BUSINESS: All Power Outdoor

CIRCLEVILLE - All Power Outdoor opened its doors the day after labor day at the new location 2401 North Court Street in Circleville. Shane Downing says...

Police seize 300,000 Dollars, Drugs and Weapons out of Whitehall

WHITEHALL - Detectives assigned to O.O.C.I.C (Ohio Organized Crime Investigations Commission/Central Ohio HIDTA Task Force, with the assistance of Whitehall Police Department's Tactical Team,...

Frontier Still has Phones Down Today

CIRCLEVILLE - People have been reporting no connection issues all morning. Last night Pickaway County Sheriff said that the main like to the sheriff...

WANTED: Chillicothe Police Looking to ID Suspects

CHILLICOTHE - Polce are looking to ID the two suspects in the photos in reference to a theft. Chillicothe Police are attempting to ID...

Circleville Call Reports for 9/11

CIRCLEVILLE - Circleville Call Reports filtered by relevance. Disturbance - Dispatcher Comments: CALLER ADVISED OF UNKNOWN SUBJECTS IN THE HOUSE AND HE IS SCARED. UPON INQUIRING FURTHER...

Scioto Post Game of the Week

PICKAWAY - The Vikings are hoping to get off to a better start than they did against the Indians last season. Canal scored twice...

Taco Bell Offering Vegetarian Selection

Ohio - Taco Bell is offering something for the vegetarians. According to a press release Taco Bell is t jumping on the plant based foods...

Frontier Cuts of Phone Services to Sheriff and Government.

PICKAWAY COUNTY - Due to technical issues with non-emergency lines most governmental services are down. Pickaway County Sheriff post this statement "We are currently having...

Breaking News: Structure Fire in Adelphi

ADELPHI - Emegency crews are rushing to a fully engulfed structure fire located on Dawson Street in Adelphi. Witness said that the trailer was fully...

Fire Destroys Home in South Bloomfield

SOUTH BLOOMFIELD - Around 11:15 am a fire broke out at a small mobile home park located on South Walnut street in South Bloomfield. Slide...

DEA proposes to reduce the amount of five opioids manufactured in...

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration is proposing to reduce the amount of five Schedule II opioid controlled substances that can be manufactured...

Ohio Highway Patrol are Investigating a Deadly Cargo Plane Crash

TOLEDO – The Ohio State Highway Patrol is investigating a cargo plane crash in Springfield Township in Lucas County. The plane had two people...

Third Time is the Charm Officers Chase Theft Suspect Three Times...

SCIOTO - Scioto County Sheriff Marty V. Donini announces that on September 4, 2019 one of his detectives got a call stating that a...

Ohio StateHouse Plants 2,877 Flags on Lawn to Represent Lives Lost...

OHIO -On the west side of the Ohio Statehouse are 2,977 flags, each representing a victim of the September 11, 2001 attacks on the...

Teays Valley Says Balance of School Lunch Debt is Over 1000...

PICKAWAY - In recent Ohio news a 9-year-old boy from Green local schools was shamed and his cheesy bread sticks were taken away and...

Circleville Call Reports for Tuesday 9/10

CIRCLEVILLE - Circleville call reports for 9/10/2019 filtered by interest. Domestic Trouble - Dispatcher Comments: CALLER REQUESTING AN OFFICER DUE TO A DOMESTIC ALTERCATION AT THIS...
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