Home Authors Posts by Jeremy Newman

Jeremy Newman

Circleville resident for 5 years, born and raised in Maine. love buckeyes and Ohio

Vintage Toys Do They Make Great Gifts for Christmas

CIRCLEVILLE - Do you remember the toys of your childhood?  Was it Barbie or Strawberry Shortcake, G.I. Joe or Transformers?  Did you have a...

Tomorrows morning may start off with snow.

CIRCLEVILLE - The National Weather Service has issued a winter weather warning for the area. DAY ONE...Tonight, December 11 ...SNOW SQUALLS POSSIBLE LATE TONIGHT AND INTO...

Two High Schools Compete for Toys for Tots

CIRCLEVILLE - Circleville High School and Logan Elm have squared off in a competition on who can collect the most Toys for Tots.  The...

Local Boardgame Group Gives Suggestions on Games for Christmas

CIRCLEVILLE - Sciotopost reached out to our local board gaming group Circleville Gaming Group. We asked the group in a sea of board games...

Locals Continue Outreach for Tragic Death. Dance for Amy Diehl’s Daughters

CIRCLEVILLE - Jazzercise Fitness and Studio located at 128 West Main Street here in Circleville are having a event on December 9 at 10am....

Patrol Offers Tips and Warnings About Driving in Winter weather

CIRCLEVILLE – The Ohio State Highway Patrol urges motorists to prepare vehicles for winter driving. During inclement weather drive slowly and always carry a...

This is What 17,000 Dollars Worth of Toys Looks Like

CIRCLEVILLE - "Every child deserves a new toy on Christmas.  They are not hand me down children so they don't deserve hand me down...

Local Artist Makes Realistic Lifelike Dolls

CIRCLEVILLE - Vonda Loats creates Reborn Dolls and is a self-taught artist with a love for realistic creation. "People want to create a baby...

Local Church Offers Grandmas Cookies by the Pound

CIRCLEVILLE - Ever want a box of cookies handmade by multiple cooks from muliple family recipes?  The Circleville Presbyterian Church will have its annual...

New Children Store Offers Gently Used Name Brand Items at Low...

CIRCLEVILLE - Located inside the Pickaway Craft Mall at 2150 North Court Street.  The New shop offers name brand children's clothes, shoes, toys and...

Snow Forecasted for Saturday are You READY?

CIRCLEVILLE - You can feel it in the air, its getting colder now, our warm bump is over.  Temperatures will be colder starting Thursday,...

Local Residents Love Christmas Decorating

CIRCLEVILLE - Outside of town where there are no streetlights and no business lighting, there is a beckon of light in the darkness.  Joe...

New Local Store Offers Charity to Veterans

CIRCLEVILLE -Tin Roof is a new Boutique in Circleville, Ohio at 117 W Main Street. "Our target customer is fun loving with a sense...

Jack Pine, Local Glassmaker Opens Studio in Laurelville

LAURELVILLE - Most Circleville residents know of Jack Pine and his famous glass pumpkins. Pine studied glass blowing at Columbus College Art and Design....

Officer Morningstar and K9 Harry Make Drug Bust

CIRCLEVILLE - December 2, 2017  Drug trafficking arrest Tonight, at approximately 6:20 PM Ofc. Lance Canterbury stopped a silver Ford Escape in the 200 block of East...

Circleville Nazarene Church Claims to have Served 120 Children for...

CIRCLEVILLE- Childrens pastor David Tripp claims to have helped 120 children in pickaway county this year for Christmas needs. "These children that are represented...

Teays Valley Student Creates Hometown Heroes Banner Project

CIRCLEVILLE - You may have noticed banners in downtown Circleville recently commemorating soldiers from different branches of the military.  The all have one thing...

Red Cross Senior Giving Tree Still Needs Community Help

PICKAWAY -Mission Statement To provide holiday cheer to area seniors in nursing homes with the help of the nursing homes’ Activities Directors.  We will accomplish...

Local Facebook Site Offers Trades for Items Only

CIRCLEVILLE - A local resident has created a website to help people in need for gifts and items that they can pay for in...

Santa Claus is Coming to Town on Saturday

CIRCLEVILLE - Santa Claus comes to town during the annual Christmas Parade.  This year the Parade will start at 1:00 PM, and Scioto Post...

Local MMA Fighter Aiming to Keep his Undefeated Status This Saturday

CIRCLEVILLE - Nate Otero grew up in Circleville and went to Circleville City Schools where he was on the wrestling team and has always been...

Local Asks for Community Help to Keep People Warm

CIRCLEVILLE- There is a coat rack located at the corner of W High Street and North Court.  The rack says "ARE YOU COLD? TAKE...

Adena Caregivers Purchase 1,100 Coats for Area Kids

CHILLICOTHE – Each year, the need among children in our community grows greater; and each year, Adena Health System’s caregivers step up to meet...

Thanksgiving Shoppers Mob Walmart

CIRCLEVILLE - Walmart started its Black Friday sales at 6 pm tonight.  Deal grabbing and Christmas shopping has started already.  Offering good prices on...

Hot Toys for This Season are you Hunting for Them This...

CIRCLEVILLE -  Hunting for the hot toy this year?  Seems like every year there's something.  This year the hot toys seem to be Fingerlings...
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