In a somber turn of events, the iconic Fox Farm Inn, located on North Bridge Street in Ross County, has been completely demolished, unable to be salvaged after recent efforts to preserve it. Once a cherished landmark, the building, formerly occupied by E.M. Smith Jewelers, now lies in ruins, leaving many wondering about the fate of the property.
The demolition came after the building was offered for free by its owners, sparking hopes of potential restoration. However, despite these efforts, the structure met its demise last week, prompting speculation about what will take its place.
Initial speculation suggested that the property might fall into the hands of Nourse Properties, a familiar name in the area. However, it was revealed that the ownership had been transferred to Schiff Properties in March, adding a new layer of intrigue to the property’s future.
Schiff Properties, a Columbus-based company with a rich history spanning over 30 years, has a track record of investing in real estate, particularly in commercial developments. With roots dating back to the late 1950s, the company has earned a reputation for its commitment to revitalizing communities through strategic real estate investments.
In recent years, Schiff Properties has shifted its focus southward, making significant strides in the Circleville area. Notable projects include the development of the Southern part of Pumpkin Town, which has seen the addition of popular establishments such as Starbucks and City Barbeque. Additionally, a new development featuring Valvoline is set to commence construction soon.
Looking ahead, Schiff Properties has ambitious plans for the North Bridge Street property, aiming to create opportunities for new businesses in Ross County. With plans to develop the area into a vibrant commercial hub, the developer envisions attracting a diverse range of companies, further enhancing the economic landscape of the region.
As the dust settles from the demolition of the Fox Farm Inn, all eyes are now on Schiff Properties as they embark on this new chapter of development in Ross County.