What made you choose to run for Miss Pumpkin show?
Being an active member in my community with FFA & Sports. I have grown to understand community and would like to take what I have learned to represent such a prestigious festival. The Pumpkin show has been a large part of my life and I know I will make this community proud.

What people in your life have influenced you to be who you are today and how does that reflect in what you are doing today? My softball community. My travel softball team is my biggest inspiration in my life. They work harder than any group of girls I know. They teach me patients, resilience, commitment and so much more. My team is spread throughout the Midwestern states and no matter what life throws at me they are there to support me. I hope someday I can inspire our youth softball teams in the same manner I get supported with my travel team.

Favorite food of Pumpkin show? I would have to say the Pumpkin Sugar Waffles they supply a great balance of crunch and sweetness. Favorite things at the show? From a small child my grandmother and I have watched the dog parade. I cherish each year I have with her and our time watching the parade, one year we even participated in the parade wonderful memories!
What do you think it means to be Miss Pumpkin show? Representing my community , school, and town is a great accomplishment. I would love to exhibit this to the youth in my school and our community. I love how the pumpkin show is bringing the rural and city together to enjoy laughter and fellowship. What will it do for you in life? Representing Pumpkin show will mean I have 2 new best friends to represent this wonderful community with and building strong relationships with them. After participating in the little miss pumpkin show contest in 2013 I have had an astonishing drive to become Miss Pumpkin Show in the future.

What are your career goals in the future? My goal after graduation is to attend a university studying Business and Administration and play softball. After university I hope to pursue my career in becoming a paramedic/ Fire Fighter just like my father became.