Home News Ross County – Chillicothe Police Chase Down Wanted Woman Threatening Fight

Ross County – Chillicothe Police Chase Down Wanted Woman Threatening Fight


CHILLIOCHTE – A foot chase occurred over the weekend after police were called to a disturbance and possible fight on Ewing Street.

According to the Chillicothe Police Department on 6/10/23 they arrived on Ewing and Fifth Street after a 911 call of a possible fight with multiple suspects, when they arrived an officer and a female suspect made eye contact and the woman took off on foot. The officer ran after her through the backyard of several homes in the Ewing Street area onto the South Bridge Street side when the woman attempted to climb a chain link fence.

In the report, the officer said that the female got to the top of the fence and may have got away but then fell to the ground. Shortly afterward the officer was able to arrest her.

Chillicothe officers reported that the suspect identified as Samantha Hughes came to a home where she had been staying for several nights and started to threaten the homeowner with a group of people. When police arrived on the scene she took off.

Hughes told police that she left because she had a bench warrant for two days in jail and thats why she ran.

Hughes was arrested and charged for Criminal Mischief. Hughes was also charged with Obstructing Official Business. Hughes was also served a copy of her bench warrant serve two days in jail for Theft.