The Ross County Conservation League is preparing to again award a $1000 scholarship to a
deserving Ross County student.
If you have graduating students who are going to pursue further education in the areas of
environmental studies, conservation or related fields, please submit that student’s application
to Nelson Coleman, 20485 State Route 104, Chillicothe OH 45601, ([email protected] 740-
775-1387, Cell 740-701-3254)
Please encourage any interested student of yours to submit his or her application not later than
April 30, 2024 Our committee will choose/select recipients at the May meeting.
Ross County Conservation League Scholarship Application
Ross County Conservation League
Application for Scholarship (pg. 1)
Student Full name:
High School: _____________________________________________________
Home Address:
Parents name(s): ________________________________________________
Phone # and email where you can be reached:
Which college, university or training school will you attend?
Have you applied or already been accepted to this institution?
Intended Field of Study: ___________________________________________
Would you consent to an interview by our selection committee?
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Ross County Conservation League Scholarship Application
Ross County Conservation League
Application for Scholarship (pg. 2)
ESSAY: Briefly tell us why you have chosen this field of study and what your expectations are.
(Any information you wish to include that may be helpful in our making a decision is