Chillicothe: The Ross County Right to Life held the 2022 Ross County March for Life on Saturday, January 22, 2022. Pro-life demonstrators met at Yoctangee Park dressed for cold weather and carrying signs supporting their cause as they marched to the steps of the Ross County Courthouse at noon. The demonstration, held annually to remember the decision of Roe vs. Wade which legalized abortion in 1973, also stands in solidarity with the National March for Life held in Washington DC that has been held
every year since the decision was brought from the US Supreme Court.
Demonstrators listened to pro-life speakers throughout the community, such as pro-life activists, women’s care services, ecumenical pastors from area churches, and women who themselves were impacted by the US abortion industry. Speakers included:
• Judy Harness, President of Ross County Right to Life
• Lisa Cutler, Elizabeth’s Hope Women’s Center
• Rev. Fr. Jacob Stinnett, St. Mary and St. Peter Catholic Churches
• Rev. Fr. Ed Steele, Good Shepard Anglican Church
• Mrs. Brenda Pickerrell
• Rev. Obadiah Harris, Lifting Up Jesus Church
• Mr. Joseph Herlihy and Ms. Jean Herlihy
Each speaker provided a message of hope and love, emphasizing the importance of dignity for human life. They advocated for an end to abortion and additional support for mothers facing unplanned
“The Ross County March for Life is meant to be a celebration of life in our community. We march to defend life and speak out against abortion. Each person has the right to human dignity from conception to natural death.” Said Judy Harness, President of the Ross County Right to Life.
Each year demonstrators pray and advocate for an end to abortion and a deeper respect for human life throughout the world