Union Township, Ross County — A sewer line servicing Union Heights and the Ross County Airport, and possibly the fairgrounds, is hopefully in the near future.
The Ross County Commissioners held a videoconference during their Monday meeting to move the project along.
They own the sewer plant for the Union Heights subdivision just north of Andersonville on State Route 104. The small facility that serves about 150 homes begun in the 1970s is at the end of its lifespan and needs to be replaced – but instead of rebuilding it, the commissioners had a study done in 2017 to look into replacing it with a sewer line that can serve more facilities and future developments in the SR 104 corridor.

The sewer line would feed into the state’s sewer system that serves the VA Medical Center, state prisons, and Unioto Schools. Their wastewater treatment plant sits near the US 35 – SR 104 interchange. It was recently rehabilitated and has much more capacity than is being used. If anything, it needs more sewage, since that flushes the lines and keeps them from deteriorating faster.
Ross County Shoemaker Airport has the potential for about 200 acres of industrial / commercial development, and two mobile home parks nearby could also be serviced.

A connection could be made in the future with the Ross County Fairgrounds, which currently uses six sewage holding tanks that are pumped out after the one-week county fair.
The commissioners pointed out that they have a few new grants to move ahead…and that they need to move ahead now – within a matter months, not years.
They will meet again on the topic in a month.