ROSS – The Ross County Humane Society, in conjunction with the Ross County Dog Warden’s office announces that for the first time in Ross County, a case of felony animal cruelty was successfully prosecuted. Cynthia Temple-Colburn of Waverly was found guilty of both 5th Degree felony cruelty to animals (959.13) and misdemeanor 1st degree cruelty to animals (959.13) in Judge Matthew Schmidt’s Ross County Common Pleas courtroom. Ms. Temple-Colburn was indicted and consequently found guilty on the cruelty to animal charges after reports that she knowingly dragged a dog on a leash from her vehicle for one mile on a county road on July 6, 2021.
The dog, named Blake by the Humane Society staff, was humanely euthanized at the recommendation of veterinary staff due to the severity of its injuries.

Testimony was provided by witnesses to the event, as well as Ross County Humane Society Executive Director Jenn Thomas, Ross County Deputy Dog Warden Pam Longlott, and Ohio State University Veterinarian Dr. Anda Young, all of whom cared for the dog after the incident. Northfork Animal Clinic veterinarian Dr. Blake Lloyd was also in attendance as he provided care locally for the dog before it was sent to O.S.U. Veterinary Hospital.
Judge Schmidt handed down the maximum sentence allowed for the charges including 180 days in jail, restitution to the Ross County Humane Society for medical bills incurred from the care of the puppy in the amount of $775.37, completing 200 hours of community service, a $2,500 fine as well as being prohibited from ever owning a companion animal again.
Jenn Thomas, Executive Director of the Ross County Humane Society, says “We are thankful to Judge Schmidt for recognizing the severity of the cruelty case and for sentencing accordingly. While we wish the circumstances had never occurred, it’s good to see the message sent that animal abuse will not be tolerated in our community.” She also encourages the community to continue to report any cases of animal abuse or neglect to the Ross County Dog Warden for canine calls or to reach out to the Ross County Humane Society to be put in contact with their contracted Humane Agents for all other calls.
Ross County Humane Society would like to thank the Ross County Dog Warden office and the Ross County Prosecutors office for their diligence in this case, ensuring that not only justice was served but that it also met the severity of the crime. The Humane Society would also like to remind the public “if you see something, say something” in regards to animal cruelty.
Cruelty reports can be made directly to the Ross County Dog Warden office at 740-772-5929.Contact: Jenn Thomas, Executive Director Ross County Humane Society 2308 Lick Run Road, Chillicothe OH 45601 740-775-6808 [email protected]