Safe Communities Fatal Review Committee Notes Need for Drivers to Follow Safety Recommendations


    A motor vehicle crash in July and one in September noted two fatalities in Pickaway County for the third quarter of 2015. The Safe Communities of Pickaway County Fatal Review Committee reviewed one of these crashes and advised that all safety recommendations be considered by drivers each time they get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle.

    “The Committee noted that this particular crash reviewed shows why drivers need to remember that to ‘Stay Alive’ they should never ‘Text and Drive’, and that driving with any type of impairment can end with negative results”, stated Director Teresa C. Carper. “Also the Committee noted again the need to buckle up when driving or riding in a motor vehicle.”

    Motorcycle safety was also a consideration of the crash reviewed, and drivers should remember to continue to “Watch Out for Motorcycles” even though the summer season has ended.

    Carper also noted that she would be leaving her post as Director on October 2, 2015, and a new Director would need to review the September 2015 crash, and any other crashes that may end in a fatality. The Committee meets each quarter to review crashes, fatalities, and to make recommendations to promote traffic safety and reduce fatalities in Pickaway County. The Committee is a part of the Safe Communities of Pickaway County Coalition, and the program is funded by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

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