Home News Salt Creek Principal Duct Taped to Wall

Salt Creek Principal Duct Taped to Wall


Kingston – The kids of Salt Creek Intermediate School located at 131990 Rt 56 in Kingston Ohio had their fun day today and decided to duct tape the principal to the wall.  According to Ashley Tatman, “All the salt creek students got a chance to tape the principal to the wall.  During the book fair this year Principal Dille made an agreement and challenged the students if they reached their book goal this year they could duct tape him to the wall for their efforts.  The challenge was to duct tape him and see if it would hold him to the wall without support from the cinder block, sadly it did not stick.

Salt Creek Intermediate School is over tomorrow May 24.  Have a good summer vacation kiddos! “Mr. Dille is definitely one of a kind principal.  He is truly amazing with each and every student.  Im sad that my daughter moves up next year and won’t have him,” said Ashley Tatman.