Schools are closing with the expected weather storm coming in the next 24 hours.
Here is a list of school closures so far
Fairfield County
Fairfield Union Local Schools
Pike County
Waverly City Schools
Eastern Pike Local School District
Scioto County – Scioto County Sheriff David Thoroughman has issued a Level 1 Snow Emergency for Scioto County. A Level 1 Snow Emergency means roadways are hazardous with blowing and drifting snow. Roads may also be icy. Motorists are urged to drive very cautiously.
Scioto Valley Local School District
Miracle City Academy
Ross County
Bishop Flaget Catholic School
Eastern Pike
Huntington (Ross) Local School District
Miami Trace school
Pickaway-Ross CTC
Ross County YMCA is closing today
Ross County Christian Academy
Due to inclement weather, all Chillicothe and Ross County Public Library locations will be closed on Monday, January 6, 2025.
Pickaway County
Circleville City Schools closed for Teacher PD
Crossroads Christian Academy
Logan Elm
Teays Valley
Westfall Teacher PD
We will update with more closures throughout the night