After a 2-day trial, on February 14, 2023, Angel Marie Lucas, 42, of Detroit, Michigan, was found guilty of three felony counts consisting of Trafficking in a Cocaine, Possession of Cocaine, and Possessing Criminal Tools. Judge Mark Kuhn of the Scioto County Court of Common Pleas sentenced defendant to 12-17.5 years in prison.
The case arose from an incident on October 23, 2022, where troopers with the Ohio Highway Patrol stopped a rental vehicle bearing Virginia license plates on Lucasville-Minford Road after it appeared to miss its exit onto the Ohio State Route 823 bypass. Angel Lucas was the driver and lone occupant of the vehicle. Ms. Lucas claimed to be a resident of West Virginia but was carrying both Florida and Michigan drivers’ licenses. During a probable cause search of the vehicle, troopers discovered approximately two ounces of cocaine in the center console along with marijuana residue and several other items of contraband. The cocaine had an estimated street value in excess of $6,000.
The State of Ohio was represented at trial by Assistant Prosecuting Attorneys Matthew Loesch and Richard Wolfson. Ms. Lucas elected to represent herself in the case. The Scioto County Prosecutor’s Office extends its thanks to the diligent efforts of our local troopers with the Ohio State Highway Patrol, in combating the flow of illegal narcotics in and through Scioto County.
“These troopers are on the frontline of the fight against the seemingly endless flow of drugs on Southern Ohio’s freeways and interstates,” said Scioto County Prosecutor Shane Tieman. “My office is dedicated to continuing to vigorously prosecute those that bring this poison into our community.”