CIRCLEVILLE – On Saturday June the 30th, John and Jodi, Seyfang owners of Seyfang Electrical as well as their family pet, Prudence, passed away from carbon monoxide poisoning while on a houseboat. They passed away doing something they loved so much. What happened afterward was an untold story. What happens after the CEO of the business passes away, and their children are left to pick up the pieces? According to the Seyfang heirs, Seyfang Electrical isn’t going anywhere.

I will never forget the morning of July 1, 2018, when I received a phone call that my father had passed away, along with my stepmother and family dog in a tragic accident. That day has changed my life forever. At the ages of 23 and 19, my brother and I have had to make some drastic changes in our lives. From that point, we have stepped into our father’s shoes to keep Seyfang Electrical Services alive. My father established the business back in 1988. We both had been working for the company at the time of the accident but were are nowhere near taking on the full responsibility of owning a company. Most of the employees put forth the effort to stay and help us through a very difficult time, but we found out that some of them weren’t really there to keep our father’s legacy going and they left the company to start their own business taking a couple of Seyfang Electrical Service’s customers with them. We want to thank the employees who have stood by us for believing in our loyal customers and us.
There has been a lot of sweat and tears, but as Nietzsche once said, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”

Although my father passed away on July 1st, 2018, his name will be immortalized, and the company he started 30 years ago will continue on, refusing to die and rebuilding with a family of employees who will work together until we are stronger than ever. We know our dad is smiling down on us today.
If you require Electrical services contact Seyfang Electrical (740) 474-4490, check out the Facebook group at