Sharon “Ruth” Preece (Crago), 67, of New Straitsville, Ohio passed away on April 24, 2022. She left this life much like she lived it since her stroke in 2016. Taking a nap. After eating her favorite cherry tarts, she fell asleep and decided now was the time to move on to the next stage of living. Ruth’s family and friends are completely shattered that this little dynamo has been
called home, but will always cherish the memories and life of our Ruthie.
Ruth was born on July 29, 1954, in Circleville, Ohio to John and Orpha Crago. Ruth’s feisty personality made one think she was 7 ft. tall and fearless. In reality, she was 4 ft. 11″ and fearless. She never hesitated to let you know how she felt. Whether she was happy, sad, or angry..You knew. You always knew where you stood with her, and depending on where you stood; that could be really bad or really good. For your sake, we hope you were on her good side. If not, we as her family, apologize for any profanity or closely veiled threats that may have been directed toward you. Anger management wasn’t her thing.
Ruth was an advocate for decriminalizing cannabis as she stated often, “Any man-made pharmaceutical was poison to the body” and the current drug epidemic is proof she was right. When she had a stroke in 2016 and was then diagnosed with brain cancer in 2020, she chose to partake in cannabis as a pain reliever, appetite booster, and anti-anxiety supplement versus using opioids. Wait! Who are we kidding? She was a fan of cannabis for most of her adult life. Obituaries are supposed to be an honest assessment of one’s life, right? Although the stroke left her immobile on the left side of her body, she was still able to grip her one-hitter using her right hand, with a strength that could bring a grown man to his knees.
In 2019, Ruth decided she could live on her own and rented her own apartment much to our dismay. This is when Tanya, Randy, Joe, and Candace became her caretakers. She lived in her own apartment for one year before grudgingly admitting she couldn’t manage everything on her own. She then moved in with her daughter and son-in-law, Tanya and Randy. While Tanya worked, Joe and Candace would stay with Ruth and take care of her needs. It was like monitoring a defiant teenager who created her own self-entertainment. This could mean flipping you the bird if she wanted attention or creating a little white lie to get a reaction out of someone. We aren’t going to claim it was easy, but we wouldn’t have had it any other way. The memories of Ruth sitting in her wheelchair and giggling to herself after one of these episodes will forever be looked back on with a smile and laughter.
The only thing she loved more than her one-hitter, was her family and friends. If you’ve managed to read this lengthy obituary thus far, then feel free to scroll through the names of this continuously growing family to see who you may know.
Preceded in death by the love of her life, Husband Bobby Preece Sr. (married 42 years), Daughter Helen “Chris” Myers, Brother Rodney Crago, Daughter in law Lisa Smith, Great granddaughters Peighton Clemons, Evlynn Roche.
Survived By Children: Tanya & Randy Miller, Bobby & Harley Preece, Heather & Toby Davis, Chad & Kaitlyn Preece, Wanda & Philip Molyneux.
Grandchildren: Candace & Joe Reichley, Austin & Lindsey Miller, Steven & Misty Myers, Dustin and Creighton Myers, Cameron & Macy Preece, Melody, Lillian, Harleigh, Serenity and Holden Preece, Brendon & Jess Davis, Riley & Jen Davis, Matthew Sparks, Corrine Davis, Derek & Abby Preece, Jocelynn, Devlynn, Jadyn Preece (Gage) Madi Preece and Able.
Sister: Eva Tate
Daughter-in-law: Crystal Danner, Son-in-law: Steve Myers
Several great-grandchildren
Niece and nephews: Travis Tate, Rodney and Andrea Crago
Special Nieces: Shannon & Shawn Clegg, Dena Mareno & Adolfo Rivas
Dear Friends: Loretta Wham and Jackie Roller
Per Ruth’s wishes Morgan Funeral Home will be handling her final arrangements. The one aspect of death that she welcomed (Sorry, Sherri) was that Mr. Mark Morgan would be the one preparing her for her final journey. Thank you, Mark. I’m sure she is smiling reallll big. We realize Ruth’s arrangements are somewhat delayed, but due to her wishes and Mr. Morgan being out of town at the time of her death, we had to prolong her services until he returned. Had we not, we would have been on her bad side after death, and can only imagine what punishments she could dole out as an “angel” . All jokes aside, THANK YOU, Mark, Tom, and staff for always treating our family with nothing but respect, compassion and dignity. It’s been a rough few years, and we couldn’t have gotten through the heartaches without you all.
Services are as follows:
Morgan Funeral Home
124 Fort Street
Bremen, Ohio 43107
Viewing is Sunday, May 1st from 2-5 PM
Service is Monday, May 2nd at 4PM
Graveside services will follow at Salem Chapel Cemetery
Junction City, Ohio
Celebration of life dinner after graveside service at:
American Legion in Bremen, Ohio.
201 N. Broad Street 43107
We will miss Ruth so much. Her sense of humor, her laughter, and most of all…The undying love and deep loyalty she showed family and friends. Those left behind will always feel an emptiness in our hearts, unlike Ruth’s one-hitter which was always packed full. Until we meet again, fly “high”, Ruth. You were and are so loved. Thank you for being you, and thank you for loving us. Your final chapter has been written, and all your lessons learned. We will take it from here. We learned from the best.
Maybe it’s not about the happy ending. Maybe it’s simply about the story.