OHIO – A Ohio Sheriff department is warning that tis the season to watch your packages as thieves start to target homes for easy grabs.
Ordering online is much easier than going to the store to search for that gift during a busy Christmas season but one crime that has seen an increase is people grabbing packages off porches during the season, called “Porch Pirates.” even with cameras sometimes these thieves are not caught and get away with your seasonal Christmas gift.
Hers a few ways to keep your packages where the delivery person left them.
Pay attention to Package tracking on your items:
Most delivery services now offer tracking digitally that allows you to pay attention to where your items are and when they will be arriving so you can have someone home to receive them.
Video doorbells are good deterant.
Video doorbells are common now and these can be a deterrent for thieves knowing they catch motion and will record the crime, you can also speak two way on the doorbell to maybe foil a theft.
Invest in a Porch lockbox
Companies have now started selling items to combat these types of crimes called porch lockboxes a special box When you order an item online, you’ll give instructions for the delivery driver to open your porch lockbox. Some have a slot for drivers to drop small items into but require a key to open. Others require a code that you can provide for the delivery driver.
Require Signate on delivery
This option isn’t always available but will make sure your items are delivered to you personally or the delivery service will hold them until you come to pick it up at their location.
Recently Madison County sheriff made a report that may have had to do with Porch Pirates on 11/3/2021, an Older Maroon Chevrolet Pickup Truck without License Plates, occupied by 2 males, was observed in the Georgesville area of Pleasant Township Franklin County, pulling into a driveway. When approached by the homeowner, one of the males offered Tree Trimming Services. When the homeowner declined the Services, they departed and drove Westbound on Alkire Rd toward Madison County (Lilly Chapel Georgesville Rd SE).
After the males left, the homeowner noticed the UPS packages on the front porch had been moved from their original placement however none were missing. We believe had these males not been confronted, they would have helped themselves to those packages.
We are getting into that time of year where “Porch Pirates” will be out and about. If you see something that doesn’t seem right, call us! Call as soon as practical! Never put yourself in harms way! Get as much details as possible.