Chillicothe and Ross County businesses will showcase themselves in the annual Chamber of Commerce Business Expo in less than a week.
The Chamber says Wednesday’s expo “is for its investors to showcase their products and services, build a business-to-business network, and make community connections.
“Visit 50+ businesses, ranging from financial institutions, service providers, small businesses, manufacturers, and more. Enter your name in over 50+ door prize drawings and grab some food and beverage provided by Triple Crown / Cardo’s Pizza and G&J Pepsi.”
The event is free and open to the public, and you can register online. It’s held on Triple Crown’s indoor soccer field, but the adjacent kids’ play area requires a wristband purchase.
Not to be confused with the spring Job / Employment Expo, the Business Expo will happen 4 to 7 pm November 15th, 2023. It’s at Triple Crown Family Fun Center at the end of Nancy Wilson Way, off North Plaza Boulevard – which is the first traffic light on Bridge Street north of US 35.