PORCARI, Italy -CDP is a global disclosure system that enables companies, cities, states and regions to measure and manage their environmental impacts. In 2018, Sofidel improved its score in the Climate Change and Forests Timber categories.
Sofidel, one of the global leading manufacturers of tissue paper for hygienic and domestic use, has further improved its performance within the CDP Report 2018, a global disclosure system that enables companies, cities, states and regions to measure and manage their environmental impacts. The Group – particularly well-known for its Regina brand – has been awarded an A- rating in the Climate Change category and an A- rating in the Forests Timber category, in both cases earning a place in the highest (Leadership) scoring echelons of the report.
In its sector, Paper & Forestry, Sofidel ranked among the top businesses in the Climate Change category, above the sector average at global (C) and European (B-) level, and among the top businesses in the Forests Timber category, above the sector average at global (B-) and European (B-) level.
Sofidel recently expanded its global distribution in Circleville Ohio, opening its biggest most modern facility yet. Sofidel began operations in 2012 and today is present in 6 other states Nevada, Florida, Oklahoma, Wisconsin, Mississippi, and Pennsylvania. Currently Sofidel is constructing another facility in Inola, Oklahoma.

In a exclusive interview with CEO Luigi Lazzareschi the location of the 280-acre plant was orginally in Pennsylvania, but one of the deciding issues was that location is a brownfield, a location that has once before held a company and may have contamination.
“Clean up of contamination can be pushed onto the new site owners, said Lazzareschi. This is different in other countries where he says the contaminator is responsible for the cleanup. “The location in Circleville is a green field, and we liked that a lot better.”
CDP, formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project, is an international not-for-profit organisation present in 50 countries providing a global disclosure system that enables companies, cities, states and regions to measure, disclose, manage and share vital environmental information, guaranteeing to investors data that can be used in decision-making processes. CDP serves more than 650 institutional investors with US$ 87 trillion in assets. In 2018, over 7,000 companies across the world disclosed through CDP. For further information, the report can be consulted at this link.
In 2016, the Sofidel Group had already been awarded Best Voluntary Responder Italy by CDP for having obtained the B rating among the businesses that voluntarily participated in the CDP Italy Climate Change Report 2016 programme, disclosing data and performance regarding action against climate change. In 2017, the Group obtained the B rating in the same Climate Change and Forests Timber categories.
The Sofidel Group places strategic importance on sustainability for development and growth, with the clear aim in sight of reducing to a minimum the impact its business has on the environment and of boosting the benefits it produces for society. The final objective is to manufacture products with an ever more reduced ecological footprint and at the same time an increasingly high level of efficiency, which contain ever lower levels of natural capital.
The first Italian manufacturing company and the first tissue paper manufacturer in the world to join the WWF Climate Savers project, to date Sofidel has reduced its direct emissions of CO2 into the atmosphere by 20.6% (carbon intensity reduction, 2009-2017) thanks to investments in energy efficiency, and to the use of cogeneration plants and renewable energy sources. Another fundamental area of action is the sourcing of certified pulp from independent third parties with forest certification schemes (FSC, FSC Controlled Wood, SFI, PEFC) which has now reached 100%.
Sofidel recently had its grand opening event. Heres the link to that video</a