By Eileen Newman – As I was selecting a new 2021 generic calendar in a local store, a person walking by commented on how it will be nice to end this year. Her eyes, since that is the only facial feature to show due
to masks, showed her disdain.
As I pondered the fact that I could now recognize people and emotions just by their eyes. I realized the correlation between eyes and 2020. It forced us to have a clear and perfect vision of our existence. It made us sit still, due to quarantine, and reevaluate everything.
This invisible force in the shape of a germ, virus, or plague, gave us all pause. It changed our whirlwind of lifestyle. Changes that we never imagined or had to prepare for if not for co-vid. Work, school, sporting events, and socializing. All changed. We changed, we could now perceive life thru our own eyes and the people around us, differently.
Our own mortality is a hard vision to see. Regardless of your health, totally fit and healthy or medically challenged, this germ did not discriminate. It gave you hindsight and forethought. Lifestyle in the form of work for many changed drastically. It became nonexistent or home-based. Suits and ties, dresses and coordinating sweaters and pants, makeup, clean-shaven and
perfect hair gave way to sweatpants, PJs, zoom, email, and no more social interactions with like minds in the breakroom. Loss of jobs meant learning the art of being conservative and squeezing a nickel to hopefully make a dime. It also showed us the strength within the community and help available when asked
Children sitting home on laptops to have their education. Trying to see friends thru social media and obtaining the help needed for their struggles. I, for one, am not smarter than a 5th grader and still do not use zoom. Our children have adapted and have seen their own responsibilities and resources come into play.
They may not socially interact with peers, which sometimes is a good thing, but the interaction and drawing of resources and knowledge of parents are better. A greater sense of bonding and realizing that their parents also have struggled with algebra. Learning new coping skills from people who have been there,
done that.
2020 is a clearing of vision. As we sit still, regroup and ponder what is important, who is important, what changes best serve us and ours. It has to give us a chance to stop, look, and listen to what our future should be. See how we can shape ourselves and our lifestyle to fit that vision.
That being said, I put back the generic calendar for one out of my comfort zone and vibrant…makes you ponder on my vision.