SOUTH BLOOMFIELD – A man armed with a sheath knife and a mask was caught after an armed robbery in South Bloomfield. He was caught shortly afterward because of good samaritans and a fast-acting Chief of Police.
According to the South Bloomfield Police department around 4:21 pm on 8/04/21 , a witness observed a man in the alley armed with a weapon behind the Sunoco gas station pull a mask over his face and enter the business. The witness called the police immediately and the South Bloomfield Chief of Police who was close to the area responded. Chief McCoy knowing the possibility of a dangerous situation called Pickaway’s sheriffs office for back up he rushed to the scene.
When McCoy arrived on the scene witnesses said that they saw the man cross US-23 and go behind the closed Valero gas station with a white bag. When the Chief arrived at the location he could see the robbery suspect removing clothing attempting to change his identity. When McCoy engaged the suspect, he ran, he dropped the knife but kept the white bag in hand, McCoy gave chase. The suspect ran across SR- 316 West and into the Dairy Queen parking lot> When the suspect realized he was not going to win the foot chase he gave up and complied with orders and was taken into custody.
Jared Woltz, 30 of Lockborne Ohio pleaded guilty to Aggravated Robbery and Kidnapping. A PSI has been ordered and sentencing to come soon

South Bloomfield police were able to find the robbery weapon a large straight knife, the mask, and the suspect’s clothing that consisted of 2 grey sweatshirts, pair of black jogging pants, black gloves, a white hat, a pair of sunglasses, and a bag full of money.