SOUTH BLOOMFIELD – The village of South Bloomfield has gone on record against the new proposed warehouse proposal in Ashville that would sit adjacent to the South Bloomfield/Ashville line.

DHL’s Steve Hess Vice President of Real Estate Development presented a concept plan for DHL supply chain center in Ashville last month it would consist of up to seven warehouses all in the area of 752 and US-23 area of the Village, just north and east of South Bloomfield. Two of those buildings could be built at the intersection of 752 and US-23 would be over 1 million square foot in size. Four others would be placed just south of 752 between 752 and Pickaway Street (316) east of South Bloomfield. These warehouses/distribution would range from around 500 sq feet to 1 million each.
If all buildings in the plan were built DHL could house over 1,100 trailers in these areas. Most of the traffic would be pushed to 752 and US23.

A resolution passed tonight says that the Village of South Bloomfield officially opposes that proposal and reads:
WHEREAS The Village of Ashville, its Elected Officials, Appointed Village Manager, and Its planning and Zoning Committee are considering approving large scale warehousing projects to build in and around residential areas, and;
WHEREAS the increased traffic of both employees commuting to the area and the increase of Semi-Trucks utilizing the same Roadways that area residents use to get to work and kids to school will decrease the areas overall desirability to be a place Families will want to live in or move to, as well as Decreasing the overall Health, Safety, and Wellbeing for residents, and;
WHEREAS the impact of Semi-Trucks Idling in the areas proposed will cause increased air and noise pollution and create health concerns for those with respiratory issues, and;
WHEREAS after consulting with the Village of Ashville’s Elected and Appointed leaders, laying out the case in opposition to said project and describing in detail all of the negative side effects to both the Villages of Ashville and South Bloomfield, and;
WHEREAS after reviewing potential salaries of the project and having serious concerns around the types of housing needed to support said salaries and being told by Ashville’s Elected and Appointed leaders that Ashville will seek to attract additional Low to Medium income Housing to attract said employees to the area, and;
WHEREAS after reviewing potential Revenue gains with the Village of Ashville’s Elected and Appointed leaders that the Village would gain, it is clear that said Elected and Appointed Leaders in favor of this project are making decisions for the financial gain to the Village’s budget NOT the overall Health, Safety, and well-being of their current Residents, and;
WHEREAS if the proposed project is approved and completed it will have a disastrous impact on the Villages of Ashville and South Bloomfield that will FOREVER reduce the overall Value on Residential Properties in the Surrounding areas.
THEREFORE, let it be stated for the permanent record that the Village of South Bloomfield’s Elected and Appointed Leaders are not in favor of this proposed Project. That they are not in favor for any light industrial or warehousing south of Duvall Rd, instead wishing to develop this land as residential, parks and recreation areas, or development that would enhance and attract future growth to both the Villages of Ashville and South Bloomfield. Any Elected or Appointed leaders for Ashville that do not oppose this development will be forever on the record for being culpable of reducing the Villages of Ashville and South Bloomfield’s overall attractiveness for all future Generations.
THEREFORE, The Village of South Bloomfield’s Elected and Appointed leaders implore the Residents of Ashville and South Bloomfield to take a stand against such development by making your voices heard, by holding Elected and Appointed Leaders accountable, and if necessary take any and all Legal action to prevent this area from becoming a concrete
South Bloomfield recently has approved developments in apartment buildings in a housing subdivision and Sheetz gas station that is currently building on the North End of the village.