Home Schools & Education South Central Power Company Announces Scholarships for Pickaway, Ross and Fairfield Counties

South Central Power Company Announces Scholarships for Pickaway, Ross and Fairfield Counties


LANCASTER, OHIO, March 8, 2018 — The South Central Power Foundation announced scholarship recipients at South Central Power’s recent quarterly meeting.

The Foundation awarded $148,000 in college scholarships to high school seniors its February meeting.  Students will receive their awards at a member event at the Circleville office in April. Locally, the Foundation awarded academic scholarships to:

Applicant Residence School County
Bolin, Brooke Amanda Amanda Clearcreek Fairfield
Brooks, Meghan Circleville Circleville Pickaway
Bussert, Lexi Stoutsville Amanda Clearcreek Fairfield
Cantrell, Macy Stoutsville Logan Elm Fairfield
Caudill, Molly Circleville Logan Elm Pickaway
Clark, Lucas Kingston Zane Trace Ross
Coey, Kennedy Ashville Teays Valley Pickaway
Congrove, Jillian Circleville Logan Elm Pickaway
Cotton, Ashton Laurelville Logan Elm Pickaway
Davis, Makayla Laurelville Zane Trace Ross
Dearth, Emma Amanda Amanda Clearcreek Fairfield
Doner, Sarah Lancaster Amanda Clearcreek Fairfield
Elsea, Braya Circleville Logan Elm Pickaway
Fausnaugh, Olivia Circleville Circleville Pickaway
Feyh, Joshua Ashville Teays Valley Pickaway
Fink, Justin Chillicothe Zane Trace Ross
Graves, Andrew Chillicothe Zane Trace Ross
Hedges, Carla Ashville Teays Valley Pickaway
Hicks, Mikayla Lancaster Amanda Clearcreek Fairfield
Hixon, Tyler Stoutsville Logan Elm Fairfield
Howell, Wade Circleville Westfall Pickaway
Klein, Sarah Ashville Teays Valley Pickaway
Kleinline, Cole Lancaster Amanda Clearcreek Fairfield
Knox, Maya Stoutsville Amanda Clearcreek Fairfield
Long, Alexis Circleville Logan Elm Pickaway
Marshall, Mayci Stoutsville Logan Elm Fairfield
Miller, Carley Ashville Teays Valley Pickaway
Moore, James Ashville Teays Valley Pickaway
Morin, Kaci Lancaster Amanda Clearcreek Fairfield
Murphy, Emma Ashville Teays Valley Pickaway
Neff, Brayden Amanda Amanda Clearcreek Fairfield
Nunemaker, Austin Clarksburg Westfall Pickaway
Pees, Caleb Ashville Teays Valley Pickaway
Pieratt, Carlee Stoutsville Amanda Clearcreek Fairfield
Pohl, Andrew Circleville Circleville Pickaway
Rhoads, Macie Circleville Logan Elm Pickaway
Robb, Jeffrey Circleville Logan Elm Pickaway
Roese, Isaac Ashville New Hope Christian Academy Pickaway
Simison, Elise Circleville Teays Valley Pickaway
Sprague, Allee Ashville Teays Valley Pickaway
Vollmar, Dalton Circleville Zane Trace Pickaway
Ward, Shelby Circleville Logan Elm Pickaway
Wright, Kiersten Williamsport Westfall Pickaway

In addition, the Foundation awarded technical scholarships to:

Applicant Residence School County
Black, Ross Ashville Teays Valley Pickaway
Haupt, Laney Circleville Logan Elm Pickaway
Thaxton, Erin Stoutsville Amanda Clearcreek Fairfield

In addition, Riley Moberly of Hillsboro, who attends Hillsboro High School, was selected from among the recipients to represent South Central Power at the Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives statewide scholarship contest in April.

The South Central Power Company Foundation is separate from the electric cooperative and operates with its own 11-member board of directors. Scholarship applications are reviewed annually.

Operation Round Up, a program that automatically “rounds up” the electric cooperative members’ monthly bill to the next highest dollar funds the South Central Power Foundation.  The next Operation Round Up scholarship deadline is March 31, 2018.  Applications are available at www.southcentralpower.com.