Home News Southeastern Agricultural Students Host Sausage Breakfast to Support United Way

Southeastern Agricultural Students Host Sausage Breakfast to Support United Way


Ross County, OH – Southeastern-Ross High School’s agricultural students recently hosted a successful Sausage Breakfast, with all proceeds being donated to the United Way of Ross County. The event not only served up delicious food but also gave students an opportunity to learn more about how their donations make a direct impact on the community.

Agricultural Education Teacher Aaron Miller invited United Way representative Andrea into the classroom to discuss how the funds raised by the students help support local programs and services. The students gained a deeper understanding of how their contributions benefit both the community and their school district.

Programs such as the Mighty Active Pack (M.A.P.) and Success by Six, which provide essential support to local children and families, were highlighted during the discussion. While the students were familiar with these programs, they were surprised to learn about the connection to United Way’s Community Impact Funding, which helps support these and other organizations throughout Ross County.

The students were engaged and eager to learn more about how they could further get involved, expressing interest in volunteering at local produce markets or assisting with M.A.P. packs.

United Way representatives were honored to be invited into the classroom and expressed gratitude for the students’ thoughtful donation. This collaborative effort not only provided a charitable contribution but also fostered a greater sense of community involvement among the students.

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