The Serpent Mound Star Knowledge Equinox Peace Summit “Return Of The Thunderbird” offers three days of family friendly ceremonies with indigenous elders, musical performances through song and drumming, workshops, presentations and other spiritually transformative experiences. It takes place from Friday, September 22 through Sunday, September 24 from 9 AM to 9PM at the Soaring Eagle Retreat, 355 Horner Chapel Road, Peebles, Ohio. The location is adjacent to the mound. Internationally known speakers, elders and wisdom keepers will inspire visitors by
offering the chance to experience life through new eyes, as seen from various perspectives, and will bring greater understanding, compassion, peace and love for our communities. One of the special guests will be Apache matrilineal Grandmother, Mahlee Lozen Yellowfeather who is chief Geronimo’s granddaughter. All nations, all races, all my relations.

There’s star knowledge teachings, a Mayan fire ceremony, Cambodian White Dragon healers, Mayan prosperity codes, the Path Of Souls, Native American flute music, Serpent Mound and the thunderbird presentation, sacred ceremonies and more that will offer visitors the chance to experience sacred connections to our world. Serpent Mound Star Knowledge Peace Summits and the Friends Of Serpent Mound are joining together to bring this sacred event to the community.

Vendors and artists will offer one-of-a-kind jewelry, drums, flutes, medicine bags, healing tools, and crystals. Tickets are $44 for a single day or $88 for the three days with children under 16 admitted for free. Tickets may be purchased at the gate or in advance at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/serpent-mound-star-knowledge-fall-equinox-return-of-the-thunderbird-tickets. Several workshops have a love offering, but otherwise the admission includes all other programs. Additional information and a full schedule can be found at https://alternateuniverserockshop.com/events.

Onsite camping details as well as vendor opportunities can be found on the event page. Only service animals will be permitted but no other pets will be allowed. The Loving Healthy food vendor will be onsite with vegan and nonvegan choices throughout the event. The Serpent Mound is on an ancient sea bed centered in a 320 million year old meteor impact crater. It is the only place on earth where a meteor has hit a fault line and is filled with ancient connections and
beautiful history. It is the world’s largest surviving example of a prehistoric effigy mound.

CALENDAR OF EVENTS LISTING- The Serpent Mound Star Knowledge Equinox Peace Summit “Return Of The Thunderbird will feature music, Native American elders, presentations, vendors, dancing and sacred ceremonies honoring the fall equinox, September 22-24. This family friendly event takes place at the Soaring Eagle Retreat, 355 Horner Chapel Rd, Peebles, Ohio.