OHIO – Its spring time and time for baby bunnies, nesting birds, and other baby animals. Sometimes babies go astray from parents or even fall out of nests, the question is what do you do?
The Ohio Wildlife center has created a database that covers some of the common species of animals and what to do if you find they type of creature you find.
“Every year, thousands of baby wild animals are taken from the wild by well-meaning people who believe that the animal has been abandoned by its parents. All wild animals have very strong parental instincts and will often risk their own lives in defense of their young. It would be extremely rare for a wild animal to purposely abandon its young. Many wild infants are believed to be orphaned because a parent animal is not in sight. Some mammals, such as Eastern cottontail rabbits and white-tailed deer, keep a distance from their young during the day so as not to draw attention to their location.”
Some suggestions tell you instead of picking up the animal but to wait and watch and see if mom comes to get her baby, placing baby animals back in the nests so mom can continue to nurture in natural ways or to call Ohio Wildlife center’s hospital. Human intervention should be the absolute last resort for any wild infant.
The website is easy to use and you can simply click on the photo of the animal found and it gives you detailed info on the animal.
To view the website click here:https://www.ohiowildlifecenter.org/help-wildlife/found-an-animal/?fbclid=IwAR2Djo4ZNANlgTF2082r9dFlf_QOTF24C-A3r39AFAn3tr4AY5MCrxYUAUE