AMELIA – America First conservative and outsider businessman David J. Taylor announces a new endorsement of his campaign from Representative Mark Johnson on Thursday.
“David is THE America First Conservative that we can trust to represent us in Congress,” said Representative Mark Johnson. “I am proud to endorse David Taylor in the 2nd Congressional District because I know that we can trust him to advocate for us in Washington. David is an outsider, a businessman, and former assistant prosecutor who will go to Congress and get the job done,” continued Representative Mark Johnson. “As an outsider, David will work for us, the citizens of the 2nd District, not the establishment or special interests. And as a businessman serving the construction industry, David knows what it’s like to work and is going to Washington to make things better for small businesses and working families. I trust David to represent us in Washington and hope you will join me in supporting him on March 19th.”
“I am honored to receive Representative Mark Johnson’s endorsement of my candidacy for Ohio’s 2nd Congressional District,” said David J. Taylor. “Since announcing my campaign, I have had the opportunity to travel across the 2nd District and talk to voters about my plan to finish President Trump’s border wall, cut taxes and ease the burden of Joe Biden’s inflation on working families, and stop the flow of fentanyl flooding through our southern border.”
David J. Taylor is a political outsider, businessman, and America First conservative who resides in Amelia, Ohio with his wife Charity and three daughters. Learn more about David at www.davetaylorforcongress.com