Stephen “Alex” Martin
Alex passed away on 9/04/2024 at the age of 31, peacefully, surrounded by loved ones. For everyone who knew Alex, they knew that above all else, he loved his family. Secondly, he loved being outdoors. Whether it was fishing with his brothers or just merely listening to music outside with a cold beer, he was happy. Alex was the type of man who would do anything for anyone. If you needed the last shirt off his back, he would give it. If you were up against the biggest bully, he was there to have your back. Alex had no worries about what the world thought of him, only what he could give back to the world. Alex didnt know the meaning of the word “friend:” because once he knew you, he loved you, and once he loved you, you were family. Alex did nothing but give love to those who knew him, and all he ever expected in return was just that… love. He spent his days working with his dad doing construction work, working with his brothers doing any kind of manual label that came along, and never once did he complain. He would work his heart out until every single job was complete. Alex was a simple man. He never asked for or needed much. He just gave his all to get through each day he was presented. For the people lucky enough to know Alex, they knew he would do anything for anyone at just a single word. He never asked questions, he just… did. At the end, without anyone even knowing, Alex made the ultimate sacrifice. He was able to donate and save the lives of 2 people with his own. He went out as the hero we had always knew he was. The hero maybe, he, himself, never knew he had in him.
Alex is proceeded in death by his grandparents Carmen Martin, Willaim David Ellis, Robert “Jim” Martin, JoAnn Betuelli. His aunts Brandi Jo Martin and Tiffany Martin and the love of his life, Jayma Giffin.. Although, he was greeted at heavenes gates by so many that loved him, he left behind an ache in the hearts of his mother Wendi (Brian)Kale, Father Stephen Martin, Siblings Jacob Martin, Emily Martin (Christopher Grosh and their children Emma and Alexander Grosh), David Martin, extended siblings Shane, Jesse, Josh, Danny and Julie Day. Many more that cannot even be named due to the amount of love and claim he had on the people he met.
A memorial and candle light vigil will be held at a later date and shared with all of those close to Alex. In the meantime, remember him for who he was. A simple, kind, man with an amazing smile and love for everyone he came across. His memory will never fade.