A stolen vehicle report was filed on June 26, 2024, regarding a theft that occurred at Harbor Freight, located at 1059 N Bridge St. The victim reported that their dark grey 1985 GMC truck (AZ REG#018RXP) was stolen from the parking lot around 7 pm.
According to eyewitnesses, a male was seen putting a bike in the back of the truck and driving off. The witnesses followed the vehicle to a residence on Rocky Rd but did not confront the suspect. They took photos of the male, which were shared with the police. The suspect was described as a white male wearing a red backward ball cap, orange hoodie, and dark pants.
The investigation led officers to Rocky Rd, where the vehicle was last seen. A Resident reported hearing someone in his driveway but did not see the suspect. The truck, which had thousands of dollars’ worth of tools inside, was entered into LEADS as stolen. The investigation is ongoing.