STOUTSVILLE Ohio – Right at the edge of Pickaway County, just inside of Fairfield lies a small town just off of 674. But on the first weekend of August, it ceases to be a sleepy little town. A leisurely drive along Stoutsville Pike ceases to be casual once you get close to city limits. Cars begin to line Main Street in the early hours of the morning and continue to pour in through the early afternoon.
Sales begin at one end of town and continue along a mile-long path, with deals spidering off of Main Street and spider off into the alleys and side roads. Anything and everything is for sale at the event, as kids’ clothes, truck tires, and firearms were being sold – sometimes by the same person.
Not only can you find items out in the front yards’ of hundreds of houses, but vendors come in from far and wide to partake in the event. The Stoutsville Fire Station, near Fosnaugh-School road is the eastern epicenter of the yard sales, as dozens of vendors pack the parking lot and nearby areas to ply their wares.
The event is scheduled for April 9th, 2022 some vendors will set up on Friday also. This event is not usually as big as the summer sale event but still has some great stuff.