Chillicothe and the Dayton area — “Reflections of Sunwatch: Ancient Cultures” had its opening Friday night in the Pump House Center for the Arts.
Half of the show is by ten Miami Valley artists Inspired by a reconstructed late-prehistoric American Indian village near Dayton, and the other half is by local artists that highlight Native American culture.
Learn more in my previous story, including an introductory video on the show. And just because you get a complete tour of the Sunwatch part of show in my video below, do go see before it closes July 27th!
The Pump House Center for the Arts has a Facebook page and website. The SunWatch park, as part of the Boonshoft Museum of the Dayton Society of Natural History, has a website and Facebook page. Also see the SunWatch entry in Wikipedia.
(If I may say – though it is inspired by a different era, this show harmonizes with the recent World Heritage recognition of the Hopewell earthworks in Ross County and elsewhere, and its potential for local culture, tourism, and economic impact.)

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