Tag: #OurCircleville
Eight Year Old Boy Raises Over $1300 for Alzheimers This Summer
On a seldom traveled street in Logan Elm Village, eight year old Cailen Johnson has been selling vegetables from a small vegetable stand to...
Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over Event Kicks off at Pickaway...
The Drive Sober Or Get Pulled Over campaign for 2017 kicked off Saturday in Pickaway County at the Pickaway Farmer's Market in downtown Circleville.
Local law enforcement...
Roundtown Roller Derby in Mt Vernon
Full Store: Girl Power: Round Town Roller Derby Gives Girls Chance to Break Stereotypes, Opponents
Local Group Offers Free Play in “The Golden Age of Board...
Once a month at the Fire Station located at 586 N. Court St, a group of people from the community join together to compete against...
Circleville Aqueduct – Local History
This picture has 11 people in the photo, can you spot them all?
The Circleville Aqueduct ran across the Scioto River in the late 1800s...
What’s Being Built at North Court and Walnut Creek Pike?
For the past few weeks, work has been progressing at 1280 North Court Street, on the corner of Walnut Creek Pike and North Court...
Food Truck Helps Community with Free Breakfast Outreach
Early in the morning, a crew of men and women gather at the Circle of Light Church to prepare an old grey bread truck for...
Alumni Softball Game Raises Money for Memorial Scholarship
On Saturday, July 29th, when the dust settled in the hot Circleville sun at Barthelmas Park, there were two winners - the Class of...
Balloon Lands in Circleville
Full Story: BREAKING: Hot Air Balloon Forced to Land inside Circleville Due to Emergency
Local Resident Catches Eyes, Smiles with Vintage Car
CIRCLEVILLE - John Rarey, a local Circleville resident has an eclectic eye. He called his creation a "Hood Ride". A Hood Ride is an...
Town Comes Together to Help Local Defeat Cancer
Circleville is coming together today and throughout the evening to help local cancer patient Matt Hogue defeat cancer. A huge event is taking place...
Roundtown Trail Officially Opens
The Roundtown Trail opens today. The 1.48 mile long, 10 foot wide trail runs from the Pickaway County YMCA to the Ohio Christian University...
Aldi’s Grand Opening, July 17th and Preview on July 11th
Aldi continues disruption of the supermarket industry with a local investment in a renovated and expanded store, just outside Circleville on route 23. According...
Book about local tragedy benefits Haven House
Pictured (from left) are Larry Schieber, Mark Schieber and Kim Schieber of Schieber Family Pharmacy; Lisa Johnson, executive director of Haven House; Janice McMunn...
Registration limited for grandfather/grandchild grilling program
"Grillin' with My Grandchild," a new program by Ohio State University Extension, will have Pickaway County grandfathers and their grandchildren grilling lunches together, creating...
Circleville fireworks set for 10 p.m. Saturday
Staff Reports
CIRCLEVILLE - A fireworks display will light the skies of Circleville for the first time in many years tonight beginning at 10 p.m.