CIRCLEVILLE – Take Back the Strip event is cruisn again in August, and aiming its supercharged charitable power towards back to school.
Since Jeff Coleman created the Back to strip event one of the main goals has been to give back to the community in a fun filled family event where people cruse the strip like they did in the yesteryears. The event has been a popular one bringing people from outside the city and the county in classic cars, jeeps, and all kinds of rolling interests. Colman knew that a great event like this should have a direction so every month the group has set itself towards donations in the area.
The strip has given to Westfall cares, The Cupboard Community, Circleville Boys Basketball program, and wounded veterans program. Now they will set their charity ability to kids going back to school with Circleville Police Department and Foundations4Youth.
Jeff will be set up on the sidewalk in front of the Old Mill on South Court St from 5 to 9 on August 1st taking your donations.
“With all the Covid stuff going on these kids will be sure to need our help whether they go back to school or not. So id you’re able grab a backpack and stuff it full and we will see you on the strip! Please reach out if you have any questions. Thank you all we couldn’t do what we have done with you all,” said Coleman.
You can check out the event here: