MICHIGAN – Teachers are always looking to find ways to inspire and effect deeper thinking and education for their students. Well one Michigan Dance teacher not only educated her students but most of the school in a flash mob dance of Micheal Jackson’s Thriller. Just in time for Halloween
K-8 dance teacher at Birney School of Southfield, Michigan, Jennifer Hawkins, led her students in a flash-mob-style dance to “Thriller” down their school’s main hallway.
The video was posted on Youtube and then on twitter and has Thousands of likes since October 28th.
When Micheal Jacksons Thriller was released in the 1980’s no other music video of its kind had so much choregraphy. Some even to this day say that this particular set of dances are difficult to master. So to have taught this many students this dance and to perform it this well, Kudos to you Ms. Hawkins.