Home News Teays Valley High School Hosts Drive Your Tractor to School Day in...

Teays Valley High School Hosts Drive Your Tractor to School Day in Support of Agriculture in Pickaway County


ASHVILLE, Ohio – Teays Valley High School FFA members celebrated a special day on Friday, March 21st, with their annual Drive Your Tractor to School Day. This event allowed FFA students to showcase their tractors and spark curiosity among their peers about the agricultural industry.

Eight large farm tractors paraded down State Route 752, one of Ashville’s main roads, bringing the sights and sounds of local farming directly to the school. Pickaway County, known for its strong agricultural heritage, saw a new generation of young people embracing this tradition, a welcome sight as the average age of farmers in Ohio continues to rise.

While many Teays Valley students don’t come from working farms, the school’s FFA program has long been dedicated to introducing youth to agriculture. Students take agriculture classes for various reasons – from the hands-on projects and love of animals to the sheer interest in the subject. Even for those not directly involved in farming, seeing the tractors in the school parking lot was a thrilling experience.

This event gives students the chance to explore different types of farm equipment, learning about how the tractors work and the differences between various models and ages of machinery. For many students, it’s a unique opportunity to understand production agriculture and its vital role in the community.

Teays Valley High School’s Drive Your Tractor to School Day is a long-standing tradition that continues to highlight the district’s agricultural roots and the commitment of its students to the farming community. The school is proud to celebrate this event and looks forward to continuing it for years to come.

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